
Chat Application with all functionality using MEAN Stack

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Chat Application with all functionality using MEAN Stack.

Instructions to use:

1.Before running the frontend on localhost:4200/,firstly run the backend server which runs on localhost:3000/ that can be run using node index.js on the backend folder.

2.Now you can proceed further.

User Management part:

1.In signup part, given client side validation using angular patterns.

2.After signing up,user will get email which is for activating himself/herself.

3.There is also facility for user of Forgot password.On clicking 'forgot password' link, mail will be sent for changing password.

4.New password can be sent by clicking on link which is provided in mail.

Group Chatting part:

1.All the active chats are listed on clicking to specific chat,user will be able to join a room.

2.Once he joins he/she will be able to see all chats of that room and also can send his/her message.

3.In typing part,when any user of that room types every other will get notified that who is typing and also when typed user removes all typed text then evryuser will also get notified that no user is typing.