
A UAV object detection system based on Tensorflow, Keras, YOLOv3, also compiling some interesting stuffs such as detecting image on web page and a C/S remote monitor system.

Primary LanguagePython

Visual Object Detect System

Visual Object Detect System is a project based on Tensorflow, Keras, YOLOv3, also compiling some interesting functions such as detecting image on web page and a C/S remote monitor system.

Note:This is also my project to participate in the Wuliangchun Cup Competition in Electronics and Information Engineering School of Sichuan University.Thanks to Professor Lei for providing necessary assistances.

Due to the inability to understand the algorithm hidden in YOLOv3, code files in /vision/yolo3 completely come from keras-yolo3.

Congratuations! My work achieved second-class prize in in the Wuliangchun Cup Competition in Electronics and Information Engineering School of Sichuan University.

Competition Requirements in Chinese are as below:







(4)基于嵌入式平台(NVIDIA Jetson TX2)和Python语言设计App进行行人数目检测可视化窗口,也可以用摄像头在PC端实现所需要求,平台要求不限。





Installation Instrction

Before using,please configure settings.py first.

Test Environment

Windows 10 1803 + NVIDIA GTX1060 6GB

Anaconda 4.3.0

Python 3.5.2

TensorFlow-GPU 1.8.0 (Due to the limit of CPU compute capibility, single image would take 1.5 seconds or so to draw, it's hard to used to process a video.)

Keras 2.2.0

CUDA 9.0.176 (https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-90-download-archive)

cuDNN (https://developer.nvidia.com/cudnn)

To get the source code files, run:

git pull https://github.com/MrZilinXiao/VisualObjectDetection.git

Before run main.py, please run:

pip install -r main.py.packages.txt

If pip packages installation raised errors or you didn't use Anaconda environment,please install these packages manually.

then run

python main.py --help

to see what functions main.py have.

Functions Introduction

python main.py --help

usage: main.py [-h] [--image] [--input [INPUT]] [--output [OUTPUT]]
               [--cam [CAM]] [--web [WEB]] [--online [ONLINE]] [--rtsp [RTSP]]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  --image            Image detection mode, will ignore all positional
                     arguments, press Ctrl+C to stop.
  --input [INPUT]    [Optional] Video input path
  --output [OUTPUT]  [Optional] Video output path
  --cam 	         [Optional] Using camera,by default using built-in camera
                     of laptop,press Esc to stop.
  --web              [Optional] Using web server,press Ctrl+C to stop.
  --online           [Optional] Using a C/S structure system, will start a
                     video stream detecting client. Please run remote.py on
                     the device with a camera and configure ip and port in
                     settings.py first. Press Esc to stop.
  --rtsp [RTSP]      [Optional] Detect video stream from an IP camera or
                     something else. Need rtsp address as an argument.

remote_server.py can start an online streaming server which sends local camera's video stream to client.

Performance Test

With little time ,energy and money to test its performance, further tests are welcomed for this project and you can merge your test results branch into mine in any time.

Training Instrction

Files under tool/ are used to train your own dataset. Considering about that different datasets have different formats of annotations, there are only specific training instructions for VOC dataset.For VisDrone2018 Daataset, tools in tool folder will help.

1.Make sure that there is a VOC2007 format dataset folder named VOCdevkit.

2.If classes you need are NOT in pre-trained weights, training without weights is your best choice. For training without pre-trained weights, train_barely.py suits your requirements.Adjust epoch and batch_size according to your hardware situation. Too large batch_size could lead to out of memory and too many epoches cause model you train has no robustness.

3.If classes you need are IN pre-trained weights, please use train.py.

Model Download

For the offical model training on VOC dataset: https://pjreddie.com/media/files/yolov3.weights

For my model training on VisDrone dataset: (BaiduNetdisk)https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vhSEPMckC7QogL1WdOjWVQ Code:ouvo

For my training dataset: (BaiduNetdisk)https://pan.baidu.com/s/1QTzy8S7IHSHWtkrFxd100w Code: kdfv

Considering the requirements of the Competition, I prefer to use VisDrone2018 Dataset instead of VOC Dataset.