Task Management Application


This is a simple task management web application built using Laravel. The application allows users to create, edit, delete, reorder tasks, and manage them under different projects. It is designed with best practices in mind, leveraging Laravel's features for routing, controllers, validation, and authentication.


  • Task Management: Users can create, update, delete, and reorder tasks. Tasks are associated with projects, and the priority of tasks can be managed through drag-and-drop functionality.
  • Project Management: Users can manage tasks under different projects, selecting a project from a dropdown to filter tasks accordingly.
  • Authentication: All task and project management routes are protected, requiring users to be logged in to access them.
  • Slugs for Routing: Instead of using IDs, the application uses slugs in the routes for better readability and SEO.

Installation & Setup


  • PHP >= 8.0
  • Composer
  • MySQL
  • Node.js & NPM/Yarn

Step-by-Step Installation

  1. Clone the Repository

    git clone <repository_url>
    cd <repository_directory>
  2. Install Dependencies

    composer install

    Install Javascript dependencies

    npm install


    yarn install
  3. Environment Setup Open the .env file and configure your database settings

  4. Generate application key Open the .env file and configure your database settings

    php artisan key:generate
  5. Database Migration and Seeding Run the migrations to create the database tables:

    php artisan migrate

    Seed the database with sample data:

    php artisan db:seed
  6. Compile the assets Open the .env file and configure your database settings

    npm run dev


    yarn run dev
  7. Serve the application Open the .env file and configure your database settings

    php artisan serve

The application will be available at http://localhost:8000 where you can create an account, and view the seeded tasks and continue to test the application


Alternatively, you can watch a video demo I have prepared to make your work easier: Click here!



Free Software!