
A simple app to learn Very Good CLI

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT

Very Good Example

A Very Good Project created by Very Good CLI.

Very Good CLI Notes

A tool that will greatly enhance any other flutter project based on the very good core. It ensures stable, efficient, testable and maintanable project structure and architecture.

Advantages Scalable project structure and architecture- feature based architecture with organised folder structure Very good analysis- strict lint rules which are used at Very Good Ventures Bloc State Management- integrated bloc architecture for scalable, testable code which offers a clear separation between business logic and presentation. Internationalization support- II8n support using synthetic code generation to streamline the development process. Sound null safety- develop with a sound, static type system Testing- unit and widget ests with 100% line coverage Continuous integration- lint, format, test and enforce code coverage using GitHub actions Logging- built-in, extensible logging to capture uncaught Flutter and Dart exceptions Build Flavors- multiple flavor support support for development, staging abd production. Cross platform support- built in support for IoS, Android, Web