
Alfred workflow to open current Finder window in Terminal/iTerm and vice versa.


Alfred workflow to open current Finder window in Terminal/iTerm and vice versa.


Install workflow and enter following keywords depending on what you want to achieve:

  • ft: open current Finder directory in Terminal
  • tf: open current Terminal directory in Finder
  • fi: open current Finder directory in iTerm
  • if: open current iTerm directory in Finder

Thanks to @olibob we also have Path Finder support:

  • pt: open current Path Finder directory in Terminal
  • tp: open current Terminal directory in Path Finder
  • pi: open current Path Finder directory in iTerm
  • ip: open current iTerm directory in Path Finder

In addition the search result in Alfred will show you what the action will do in its subtitle, i.e. ft:

Finder → Terminal

Hat tip

This workflow was heavily inspired by ssgreg's Terminal in Finder's folder.