
Primary LanguageJava


Coconut framework library for android

  • support MVP Architecture
  • support Retrofit2 for handle request response API
  • support Dagger2 for DI

Recomended Directory structure

  • Project directory

    < your namespace application >
       |-- App.java
       |-- IConfig.java
       |--- model
       |       |
       |       |-- api
       |       |    |
       |       |    |-- request
       |       |    |-- response
       |       |    |-- Api.java
       |       |    |-- ApiService.java
       |       | 
       |       |--- db
       |--- presenter
       |      |
       |      |-- dao
       |--- ui
            |-- activities
            |-- fragment
            |-- component
            |-- adapter

Extention feature:

1. add snackbar if internet loss connection

    <string name="snackbar_internet_fail_message">Internet loss connection</string>
    <string name="snackbar_reply_action_label">Reply</string>

2. Using custom font

        <style name="CustomFontType" parent="android:TextAppearance">
            <!-- Custom Attr-->
            <item name="fontPath">fonts/custom_font.ttf</item>

3. Custom timeout http request

    // TIMEOUT_SHORT_INSECOND (default)= 15 Seconds
    // TIMEOUT_LONG_INSECOND = 120 Seconds
    getInstance().setupApi(App.getAppComponent(), ApiService.class, false, app.beelabs.com.codebase.IConfig.TIMEOUT_LONG_INSECOND);

Installation guide :

1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

   		repositories {
   			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
		implementation 'com.github.acan12:coconut:v1.0.11'
		implementation 'com.google.dagger:dagger:2.4'        
		annotationProcessor "com.google.dagger:dagger-compiler:2.4"
		implementation 'uk.co.chrisjenx:calligraphy:2.3.0'

3. Add Application project class extend BaseApp

    public class App extends BaseApp {
        private static Context context;
        public void onCreate() {
            context = getApplicationContext();
            setupBuilder(DaggerAppComponent.builder(), this);
        public static AppComponent getAppComponent() {
            if(context == null) return null;
            return getComponent();

4. Add Application class into AndroidManifest.java


5. Integrate code with Coconut Framework

  • BaseApi

        public class Api extends BaseApi {
            synchronized private static ApiService initApiDomain(Context context) {
                return (ApiService) getInstance().setupApi(App.getAppComponent(), ApiService.class);
                //return setupApi(App.getAppComponent(), ApiService.class, true); -- if set allow untrusted SSL calling
            synchronized public static void doApiSources(Context context, Callback callback) {
                initApiDomain(context).callApiSources("en").enqueue((Callback<SourceResponse>) callback);
  • BaseActivity

       public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity {
  • BaseFragment ,if use fragment

       public class MainFragment extends BaseFragment {
  • BaseDao

        public class ResourceDao extends BaseDao {
            public ResourceDao(BaseActivity ac) {
            public void getSourcesDAO(BaseActivity ac, Callback callback) {
                 Api.doApiSources(ac, callback);
  • BaseResponse

       public class ArticleResponse extends BaseResponse {


  • 1.0.14 :

    • fix base fragment has same behaviour with base activity when call api
    • implement option allow untrusted SSL call on HTTPRequest
  • 1.0.11 :

    • implement font framework supported by calligraphy for custom font.
    • Show Snackbar for reply connection if got lost in the middle of process runtime.
    • support style for dialog full screen.
    • support style for custom font.
  • 1.0.5 :added Response as object parameter on ResponseCallback

  • 1.0.4 :fix bug for object modular between fragment and activity

  • 1.0.0 :launch library on basic requirement