
Imandra Modelling Language CME MDP Model

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Aesthetic Integration


The CME Group Market Data Platform (MDP) disseminates market data for CME Group markets. The client state is updated in real time with an ordered stream of Incremental Refresh messages. These messages are encoded using Simple Binary Encoding (SBE), gathered in packets, and are sent over two redundant UDP connections: Incremental Refresh A and Incremental Refresh B. This redundancy is needed to reduce the chance of packet loss in the UDP.

Furthermore, there is another pair of UDP feeds: Market Recovery A and Market Recovery B. The recovery feeds are used to disseminate market data snapshots of the active books. These snapshot messages can be used to recover from a possible loss of Incremental Refresh packets from both of the incremental channels.

Generating test cases JSON files using imandra-analyser

imandra-analyser-cli strategy.yaml | python extract_packets.py generatedJsons

Starting the packets and transitions visualizer on http://localhost:8000

cd visualizer/
python -m SimpleHTTPServer

Imandra model of the CME book-builder

We model the CME book-builder as an infinite state machine. The feed_state datatype contains all of the information about CME book-builder state:

  • feed_sec_type : the ID of the security that the exchange is working on.
  • books : current state of books in the exchange
  • channels : state of the communication channels. Contains a sequence of incoming unprocessed packets in the chronological order, a sequence of already processed packets, latest received snapshot, an ordered set of cached packets for recovery and a pair of cycle_history structures for channels A and B.
  • feed_status : the current status of the feed can be either Normal or InRecovery.
  • internal_changes : stores all the internal changes in the algorithm - how books are updated with every message, current state of the cache and cycle histories, whether the status is Normal or InRecovery, e.t.c.
  • cur_time: the timestamp of last processed packet

The model takes the next packet from the list of unprocessed packets and iterates over the messages in it.

In the Normal state, the message sequence number is checked and the message is either processed normally or, if the message is off-sequence, added to cache with the feed transitioning to the InRecovery state.

While InRecovery, incremental update messages are added to cache, and snapshot messages are saved as a last_snapshot. After each message a recovery is attempted: if all cached messages are in chronological order since last snapshot -- the feed transitions back into the Normal state:

CME Flowchart

The flowchart diagram above gives an overview of the

  • simulate : a toplevel function that recursively applies the one_step function until feed_state is not changed by it.
  • one_step : performs one step of the simulation of the feed_state. The function extracts the next message from the stream of incoming packets and forwards it either to process_msg_normal and process_msg_recovery, depending on the current feed_status. If we are currently InRecovery, then recovery is attempted (via attempt_recovery) after the message is processed.
  • process_msg_normal : processes the next message, when our feed is in the Normal state. All snapshot messages are ignored. If a refresh message is_msg_relevant and has the sequence number that is exactly (last_processed + 1), then it is applied to the books in the exchange. If there is a gap in the sequence number, then the feed_status is changed to InRecovery.
  • is_msg_relevant : used by the previous function, it checks whether the next incremental refresh message is "relevant": its security ID equals to this feed's security, if its sequirity sequence number is greater that the last processed one and if the order level number is smaller than the book size of the feed.
  • process_md_update_action : applies the current incremental refresh action (could be creation, deletion or update of some order) to the books in the exchange.
  • process_msg_recovery : processes the next message, when our feed is InRecovery. The incremental refresh messages are placed in the cache (cache is kept sorted). The snapshots for "our" security are stored, and the snapshot for the "reference" security are used to detect whether our security is Liquid or Illiquid.
  • attemp_recovery : there are three possibilities for the status to change back from InRecovery

Simple Binary Encoding

The Simple Binary Encoding (SBE) is a binary encoding format for serialization/deserialization of a sequence of hierachically structured messages in a stream of raw binary data.

In the SBE framework, one first defines an XML schema -- an XML description the binary layout of the messages. Typically, a special codegenerating tool then reads this XML file, and produces a code (usually Java or C++) that contains the message type declarations and read/write routines for them. The generated code can then be linked with the business logic software.

In this chapter we'll describe such a code-generation tool for the OCaml programming language.

SBE types codegeneration

At the root of it, SBE relies on a small number of common types: ASCII-characters, signed or unsigned integers of various sizes and IEE754 floating-point numbers.

In the XML schema any such 'primitive' type might be augmented by one of the following modifiers:

  • It can have a nullValue, which denotes the null or none value for the field of that type.
  • It can have an associated length value, meaning that the given field is a sequence of values of that type.
  • It can have a constant "presence" -- in that case the corresponding field is never read or written to the binary stream. Instead, the field is always equal to a constant value, provided in the XML file.

The following conversions between the SBE simple types and their modifiers is used.

SBE Type OCaml type
int8 int
int16 int
int32 Int32.t
int64 Int63.t
char char
SBE type modifier OCaml parametrized type
length 'a list
nullValue 'a option

Three kinds of "complex" types can then be constructed based on the primitive types described above:

  • The composite type is a sequence (a record) of fields of various types.
  • The enum represents a number of mutually-exclusive cases. Each case encoded with a constant case-id, provided in the XML schema.
  • The set is a collection of boolean fields, packed into a single bit field.

For enum and set types, an encodingType name must be provided.

The composite types are represented as OCaml record-types with each record entry having the corresponding primitive type.

<composite name="FLOAT">
    <type name="mantissa" primitiveType="int64"/>
    <type name="exponent" primitiveType="int"/>
type t_FLOAT = {
     f_FLOAT_mantissa : int64;
     f_FLOAT_exponent : int

The enum types are represented as OCaml variant-types (2a) with each variant case being a constant.

<enum name="LegSide" encodingType="uInt8">
    <validValue name="BuySide" >1</validValue>
    <validValue name="SellSide">2</validValue>
type t_LegSide =
     | V_LegSide_BuySide
     | V_LegSide_SellSide

If the enum type has a nullable encodingType, then one extra case is added to the variant.

<enum name="AggressorSide" encodingType="uInt8NULL">
    <validValue name="NoAggressor">0</validValue>
    <validValue name="Buy">1</validValue>
    <validValue name="Sell">2</validValue>
type t_AggressorSide =
    | V_AggressorSide_NoAggressor
    | V_AggressorSide_Buy
    | V_AggressorSide_Sell
    | V_AggressorSide_Null

Finally, the set types are treated as records, but with all entries being of the boolean type.

<set name="SettlPriceType" encodingType="uInt8">
    <choice name="Final">0</choice>
    <choice name="Actual">1</choice>
type t_SettlPriceType = {
    r_SettlPriceType_Final : bool;
    r_SettlPriceType_Actual : bool;

In the XML schema, the declaration of all the necessary simple and complex types is followed by the declaration of various messages. Each message contains a block of fields that are always present in the message, followed by a number of variable-sized groups. Each group is stored as a sequence of repeated blocks, with each block containing the same fixed number of fields.

The cme_codegen tool

The OCaml codegenerator takes as an input the XML schema file (set with -i flag) and writes three files into a specified directory (set with -d flag)

$ _build/default/src-codegenerator/cme_codegen.bc -i templates.xml -d outputdir
$ ls outputdir
message_types.ml  readers.ml  writers.ml

The message_types.ml file contains all the OCaml type declarations. At the very bottom of the file, the message type is declared -- it encompasses all the messages in a single variant type.

The readers.ml and writers.ml files contain the reading and writing routines for various types, for individual messages and for the top-level Message_types.message.