
This application show Popular and top rated movies in Grid View using themoviedb.org API. User can favorite any movie and it will be stored in database using content provider which details can be seen offline :)

Primary LanguageJava


  • Upon launch, present the user with an grid arrangement of movie posters.
  • Allow user to change sort order via a menu:
    • the sort order can be by most popular, or by top rated or by Favorite
  • Allow the user to tap on a movie poster and transition to a details screen with additional information such as:
    • original title
    • movie poster image thumbnail
    • A plot synopsis (overview of movie)
    • user rating
    • release date
  • users can view and play trailers ( either in the youtube app or a web browser).
  • users can read reviews of a selected movie.
  • allow users to mark a movie as a favorite in the details view by Heart icon button
    • favorite movies can be seen offline and does not require an Internet.
used Picasso library for handling image loading and caching.
used themoviedb.org API.
used Content Providers for data storage.

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