
SkiBuddy helps you quickly check real-time and forecast weather conditions and browse an interactive trail map at most, if not all, ski resorts in the United States. Frontend located in a separate repo.

Primary LanguageRuby


SkiBuddy uses a React frontend and a Rails backend.

SkiBuddy helps you quickly check real-time and forecast weather conditions and browse an interactive trail map at most, if not all, ski resorts in the United States.


This is a straightforward Rails RESTful API backend using a PostgreSQL database. To set it up, simply create the database and run the migrations.

Note: there are some non-RESTful routes that handle connecting the frontend with third-party APIs.

The model relationships are as follows:

SkiBuddy Models

Environment Variables & Third-Party APIs

Three environment variables will need to be configured in order to make the third-party APIs work and provide some of the core functionality of SkiBuddy.


User authentication is done using JSON Web Tokens. A JWT secret must be provided as a local environment variable with the name JWTSECRET for the current auth controller configurations to work.

Dark Sky API

Weather information is dependent on the Dark Sky API. A Dark SKY API key must be provided with the name DARKSKYKEY.

Google Places & Geolocation API

Both the Google Places and the Google Geolocation API are used in this app. One API key should work for both, and will need to be retrieved from the Google Developer Console. The environment variable should have the name GOOGLEMAPSKEY.