
Abstractive Text Summarization Using Seq2Seq Model,BERT,RobertA,T5

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Abstractive Text Summarization Using Seq2Seq Model,BERT,RobertA,T5 The objective of this project is that we can summarize the summary of the review written for Amazon to find food. In this project, we create an automatic text summarizer with the help of abstract methods of text summarization and summarize the review for Amazon’s fine food. We used a review text description of Amazon’s fine food as the input data and generated the shorter summary of the reviews as the output. Formally we have n-word input sequences come from a set of the vocabulary of size V as a X1 . . . XN . We want to get an output of a shorter sequence of Y1 . . . YM where M < N where y is the essence of x. We assume all the subsequences Y1 . . . YM are coming from the same vocabulary set V