
Cassandra Cluster running on Google Compute Engine guideline

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This repository is intended to be a guideline for setting up a basic working Cassandra cluster utilizing Google Compute Engine resources.

This material was developed using Cassandra 2.0.4, Debian-7 Wheezy images, Python 2.7, and the Oracle® Java Runtime Engine (JRE) v1.7.


Cassandra is an open-source NoSQL data store. It is designed primarily to provide a robust fault tolerant distributed and decentralized data store that is highly durable and scalable. It provides the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) tool which is SQL-like language for querying a Cassandra cluster. Although CQL has many similarities to SQL, there are some fundamental differences. CQL adheres to the Cassandra data model and architecture so some operations and clauses (such as joins and subclauses) are not available. To learn much more about Cassandra and CQL, you can also reference the material published by Datastax on their resources page. This guide was developed using Datastax's Community Edition for Debian.

Google Compute Engine (GCE) is a very good match for Cassandra users. Some of GCE's features that make it a great fit are:

  • Distinct geographic regions within Europe and North America
  • Separate zones within a region to provide fault-tolerance within a region
  • Ability to scale up/down by adding and removing compute resources
  • A variety of compute machine types for standard or high memory/CPU needs
  • A Metadata service to store common configuration information or bring up instances with a custom startup script
  • Persistent disks to preserve and share data between restarts and/or machines

There is a lot to consider when getting ready to deploy a Cassandra cluster in production. This guide is intended to provide a starting point to learn more about GCE and Cassandra by deploying a small cluster in a single region across multiple zones. It does not address issues such as security, managing a production cluster, or performance tuning. The documentation provided by Datastax goes into much more detail about planning production Cassandra clusters.


This guide assumes you have registered a Google Cloud Platform account and have enabled both the Google Compute Engine and Google Cloud Storage services. It also assumes you have installed the gcutil and gsutil command-line utilities bundled with the Google Cloud SDK. Lastly, you will need a system with python (at least 2.7) installed if you would like to use the provided scripts for deploying the example cluster.


Datastax highly recommends against using the OpenJDK environment that is available in Debian Linux. This guide was therefore developed using the Oracle Java Runtime Engine (JRE) 1.7. If you intend to run the scripts included in this guide, you will first need to download the correct version from Oracle.

The scripts were developed using the jre-7u51-linux-x64.tar.gz package. You will likely need to agree to Oracle's Binary Code License Agreement (and perhaps even create an Oracle account) before you will be able to download the file. Once downloaded, be sure to remember the location of the file.

Default (weak) Cluster Settings

Since this guide is intended as a non-production cluster, it uses a standard machine n1-standard-1 type. Production clusters would likely need more powerful machines, additional persistent disks, and possibly more nodes depending on usage.

The default settings for this guide live in tools/common.py. You can make changes to the number of nodes in the cluster, machine type, and nodename prefix by editing these default global variables. The relevant section of the file looks like:

# Global configuration variables
NODES_PER_ZONE = 3             # define number of nodes to create in each
                             # zone.  GCE typically has two zones per region
                             # so this would create a 6 node C* cluster

MAX_NODES = 9                  # prevents excessive number of nodes to be
                             # created.  if NODES_PER_ZONE * number_of_zones
                             # is > than MAX_NODES, the script will raise an
                             # error and exit.  GCE typically has 2 zones per
                             # region (e.g. NODES_PER_ZONE * 2 < MAX_NODES)

NODE_PREFIX = "cassnode"       # all nodenames begin with this string.  This is
                             # how the scripts determine what nodes belong to
                             # the C* cluster.

MACHINE_TYPE = "n1-standard-1" # the machine type used for all cluster nodes

API_VERSION = "v1"             # GCE API version

WAIT_MAX = 10                  # max wait-iterations for startup-script, the
                             # delay between each iteration is 20 seconds

SCOPES = "userinfo-email,compute-rw,storage-full" # Scopes set to match same    
                             # default scopes as Cloud Console                
GCE_USERNAME = ""              # Use this to override the local environment.    
                             # This username must exist on the newly created  
                             # GCE instances in order to fetch the JRE        
                             # install file from GCS                          
GCS_BUCKET = "mybucket"        # Specify bucket housing JRE7 install file       
JRE7_INSTALL = "jre-7u51-linux-x64.tar.gz" # Basenamne of downloaded JRE file   
JRE7_VERSION = "jre1.7.0_51"   # Path version string of extracted JRE           
VERBOSE = False                # eat gcutil's stdout/stderr unless True, if
                             # debugging script issues, set this to True
                             # and re-run the scripts

One-time Setup

  1. Check out this repository or save and upack a ZIP file of this repository.
$ git clone https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/compute-cassandra-python.git
$ cd compute-cassandra-python
  1. Set up authorization. After downloading the Google Cloud SDK, unpack it and execute the included install.sh script. You can set up authorization and setting the default Project ID with:
$ gcloud auth login

Your browser will either load up a permission authorization page or a URL will be generated that you need to load in a browser. You will need to log in with your Google credentials if you haven't already and click the "Allow access" button. You may need to copy/paste the verification code in your terminal. You will also be prompted to enter your default Project ID.

  1. Networking firewall rules. If you want to access the cluster over its external ephemeral IP addresses, you should consider opening up port 9160 for the Thrift protocol and 9042 for CQL clients. By default, internal IP traffic is open so no other rules should be necessary. You can open these ports with the following comment (assuming you want to use the 'default' network):
$ gcutil addfirewall cassandra-rule --allowed="tcp:9042,tcp:9160" --network="default" --description="Allow external Cassandra Thrift/CQL connections"
  1. Upload the JRE install file to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. After you have downloaded the JRE 1.7 install file, you will need to upload it to a Google Cloud Storage bucket. Make sure to update tools/common.py to specify your bucket name and adjust the JRE7 variables if needed. The gsutil utility is included in the Cloud SDK. Create a bucket and upload the JRE with:
$ gsutil mb gs://mybucket
$ gsutil cp jre-7u51-linu-x64.tar.gz gs://mybucket

Creating the Cluster

  1. Create the new cluster using the provided script.

    $ ./tools/create_cluster.py
  2. Go get a cup of tea (or other libation to the prophet Cassandra). This will take around 10 minutes. Assuming the script completes with no errors, you will see something similar to:

    => Finding suitable region, selecting zones: ['us-central1-a', 'us-central1-b']
    => Creating 6 'debian-7' 'n1-standard-1' nodes
    --> Node cassnode-a-0 created
    --> Node cassnode-a-1 created
    --> Node cassnode-a-2 created
    --> Node cassnode-b-0 created
    --> Node cassnode-b-1 created
    --> Node cassnode-b-2 created
    => Uploading JRE install file to each cluster node: . . . . . . done.
    => Uploading and running configure script on nodes: . . . . . . done.
    => Starting cassandra cluster on SEED nodes
    --> Attempting to start cassandra on node cassnode-b-1 UP
    --> Attempting to start cassandra on node cassnode-a-2 UP
    => Starting cassandra cluster non-SEED nodes
    --> Attempting to start cassandra on node cassnode-b-0 UP
    --> Attempting to start cassandra on node cassnode-b-2 UP
    --> Attempting to start cassandra on node cassnode-a-1 UP
    --> Attempting to start cassandra on node cassnode-a-0 UP
    => Cassandra cluster is up and running on all nodes
    => Sleeping 30 seconds to give nodes time to join cluster
    => Output from node cassnode-b-1 and 'nodetool status'
    Datacenter: ZONE1
    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
    --  Address         Load       Tokens   Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack
    UN  97.38 KB   256      15.6%             557db8f8-5fc1-4575-bc80-d4f9c855690a  RAC1
    UN   97.38 KB   256      17.9%             45c00bb9-b4da-45de-86fc-97f020998336  RAC1
    UN  103.42 KB  256      16.9%             bbc373ed-0259-46c1-a3b3-177d2383526a  RAC1
    Datacenter: ZONE2
    |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
    --  Address         Load       Tokens   Owns (effective)  Host ID                               Rack
    UN  97.2 KB    256      15.8%             04cec381-00f1-4e0b-8be4-82c062743bf7  RAC1
    UN   83.37 KB   256      17.5%             2ea44ff3-8b18-4c22-a0a5-8836ffaf9362  RAC1
    UN   98.77 KB   256      16.3%             5ecd834e-a253-4ec7-b9sb-d46efb655f02  RAC1

So what just happened?

  1. The first thing the script does is to find a US-based region that has at least two zones in that region also in the UP state. In the output above, the script selects zones us-central1-a and us-central1-b in region us-central1.
  2. Next, the script creates 3 n1-standard-1 instances running debian-7 in each zone. The nodename is computed by concatenating the NODE_PREFIX defined in tools/common.py, a dash, the zone designator, another dash, and an incrementing integer (e.g. cassnode-a-0, cassnode-a-1, ...).
  3. Now that each node in the cluster is up and running, the script then uses some of that node information to create a customized install script based on the included tools/node_config_tmpl file and saves that to tools/node_config_tmpl.sh.
  4. Next, the generated install script, tools/node_config_tmpl.sh executes on each node in the cluster. The install script handles updating Debian packages, installing Cassandra, setting up the Cassandra configuration files, fetching the JRE install file from Google Cloud Storage and installing it.
  5. The Cassandra service is started on two SEED nodes, one in each zone. In the example above, this was cassnode-a-2 and cassnode-b-1 which were randomly chosen. The remaining non-SEED nodes are then also brought up.
  6. Finally, the script pauses to ensure all nodes have had a chance to discover each other and exchange data via the gossip protocol. To verify that the Cassandra cluster is actually running, the nodetool status command is run against a random node in the cluster. Ideally, you will see an entry for all 6 nodes in the cluster, 3 per zone.

Destroying the cluster

There is a script that will delete all nodes with names starting with the NODE_PREFIX. You can use this to purge the cluster if something goes wrong and you want to start over, or if you're done with the guide and don't want to be charged for running instances. It will list out the matching instances and prompt you before actually deleting the cluster.

Note that all data will be permanently deleted. The script intentionally deletes the persistent disks leaving nothing behind. The script also does not gracefully shutdown the Cassandra service or otherwise check for active usage.

$ ./tools/destroy_cluster.py

Once the cluster is down, you may also want to delete the firewall rule that allows external Thrift/CQL communication. You can do that with:

$ gcutil deletefirewall cassandra-rule

Keeping your disks

Since the cluster uses persistent disks, you may just want to terminate the running instances without deleting the persistent disks. Then at a later time, you can create new instances and re-use the same disks. This is a great cost savings technique if you'd like to tinker with the cluster once in a while over an extended time period without having to rebuild it from scratch each time. However, there are no included scripts to support this technique but you can use either gcutil or the Cloud Console to terminate instances without deleting their disks.

CQL: Getting Started

It's beyond the scope of this guide to create a real Cassandra schema, but here are a few commands that will demonstrate that your cluster is functional.

Start by SSH'ing into one of your cluster nodes, for example:

$ gcutil ssh --zone us-central1-a cassnode-a-2

Once logged in, fire up the included python-based CQL interpreter and create a demo keyspace. In the example below, a keyspace is created with the NetworkTopologyStrategy class with a data replication factor of 2 for each zone. A few informational commands show some the keyspace's properties and a snippet of the token distribution. For instance,

$ cqlsh
Connected to GCECassandraCluster at localhost:9160.
[cqlsh 4.1.0 | Cassandra 2.0.4 | CQL spec 3.1.1 | Thrift protocol 19.39.0]
Use HELP for help.
cqlsh> create keyspace demo with replication =
   ... {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'ZONE1': 2, 'ZONE2': 2};
cqlsh> describe keyspace demo;

CREATE KEYSPACE demo WITH replication = {
  'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy',
  'ZONE2': '2',
  'ZONE1': '2'
cqlsh> use demo;
cqlsh:demo> describe cluster;

Cluster: GCECassandraCluster
Partitioner: Murmur3Partitioner
Snitch: PropertyFileSnitch

Range ownership:
                   8312226922118728182  [,,,]
                   2398506559789756293  [,,,]
                  -6687625507946491144  [,,,]
                   -890208907273719943  [,,,]

Next, you can create a few tables and insert some sample data.

cqlsh:demo> create table characters (
        ...   name text primary key,
        ...   type text,
        ...   description text,
        ...   appearances set<text>
        ... );
cqlsh:demo> insert into characters (name,type,description,appearances) values
        ... ('Bilbo Baggins', 'Hobbit', 'The main character in "The Hobbit"',
        ... {'The Hobbit', 'The Fellowship of the Ring',
        ... 'The Return of the King', 'Unfinished Tales'});
cqlsh:demo> insert into characters (name,type,description,appearances) values
        ... ('Frodo Baggins', 'Hobbit', 'A main character in the LotR',
        ... {'The Fellowship of the Ring', 'The Two Towers',
        ... 'The Return of the King', 'The Silmarillion',
        ... 'Unfinished Tales'});
cqlsh:demo> insert into characters (name,type,description,appearances) values
        ... ('Gimli', 'Dwarf', 'A main character in the LotR',
        ... {'The Fellowship of the Ring', 'The Two Towers',
        ... 'The Return of the King', 'Unfinished Tales'});
cqlsh:demo> insert into characters (name,type,description,appearances) values
        ... ('Legolas', 'Elf', 'A main character in the LotR',
        ... {'The Fellowship of the Ring', 'The Two Towers',
        ... 'The Return of the King'});

cqlsh:demo> select name, appearances from characters where type = 'Hobbit';
Bad Request: No indexed columns present in by-columns clause with Equal operator

cqlsh:demo> create index type_idx on characters(type);

cqlsh:demo> select name, appearances from characters where type = 'Hobbit';
 name          | appearances
 Bilbo Baggins |                       {The Fellowship of the Ring, The Hobbit, The Return of the King, Unfinished Tales}
 Frodo Baggins | {The Fellowship of the Ring, The Return of the King, The Silmarillion, The Two Towers, Unfinished Tales}
cqlsh:demo> quit;

Now you can use nodetool to take a look at a how the data is distributed. Note that the nodenames were manually added to the output as comments to better illustrate the data distribution across zones. Recall that in these examples, the replication factor was set to 2 for each zone implying that data exists in two nodes in each zone.

$ gcutil ssh --zone us-central1-a cassnode-b-1
$ nodetool getendpoints demo characters name  # cassnode-a-0  # cassnode-a-2   # cassnode-b-1   # cassnode-b-2
$ nodetool getendpoints demo characters appearances  # cassnode-a-0   # cassnode-a-1  # cassnode-b-0   # cassnode-b-1

Debugging / Troubleshooting

  1. Enable extra command-line output by toggling the VERBOSE variable to True in the tools/common.py file. When you re-run a script with that enabled, you will see all of the standard output and error messages from gcutil and the instance commands.

  2. In order to understand what's going on with a cluster deployment with these scripts, you will likely need to either use the web console and check the instance's serial output or SSH into the instance and monitor log files. In addition to standard Linux log files, you may need to consult the Cassandra log files, especially:

  • /var/log/cassandra/system.log - Cassandra log
  1. Ensure that your firewall rule is enabled so that the Cassandra nodes are accessible by both Thrift and CQL protocols.

  2. If you are having problems with Cassandra, then you can look for help on mailing lists, forums, Stack Overflow, or IRC. In other words, if the nodes have all been created and Cassandra started successfully (as verfied with the nodetool status output) but you are not able to execute CQL commands properly, then you'll likely need more detailed Cassandra help.


This guide was meant to give you the basic tools to bring up a small Cassandra cluster for further education and evaluation. The scripts should be fairly straightforward to understand or tweak for your own experiments.

In summary, this guide showed that Google's Compute Engine is a good fit for Cassandra deployments by:

  • Taking advantage of mutliple zones within a region
  • The (under the hood) capabilities of gcutil to easily manage your instances
  • The ease with which a Cassandra cluster can be created and destroyed

Extending this guide

This guide did not take advantage of a powerful GCE feature that allows a newly created instance to execute a startup-script. Rather, the scripts in this guide invoked gcutil ssh to execute the post-boot tools/node_config_tmpl.sh node configuration script.

So a great next step would be to utilize the GCE startup script feature. Using this feature, additional Cassandra nodes could quickly and easily be created and automatically configured as soon as they finished booting. This could be accomplished by,

  • Updating the tools/node_configure_tmpl script to be executed as a Metadata startup-script.
  • As nodes are created/destroyed, use the Metadata service to store SEED IP addresses and a newly computed PropertyFileSnitch file contents.
  • Lastly, the startup-script could pull down the updated PropertyFileSnitch and fire up the Cassandra service. New nodes would automatically join the Cassandra cluster via the gossip protocol and begin replicating data.

Contributing changes



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