FluentHttpClient is a modern async HTTP client for REST APIs. Its fluent interface lets you send an HTTP request and parse the response in one go — hiding away the gritty details like deserialisation, content negotiation, optional retry logic, and URL encoding:
Blog result = await new FluentClient("https://example.org/api")
.WithArgument("id", 15)
Designed with discoverability and extensibility as core principles, just autocomplete to see which methods are available at each step.
Install it from NuGet:
Install-Package Pathoschild.Http.FluentClient
The client works on any modern platform (including Linux, Mac, and Windows):
platform | min version |
.NET Core | 1.0 |
.NET Framework | 4.5 |
.NET Standard | 1.3 |
Mono | 4.6 |
Unity | 2018.1 |
Universal Windows Platform | 10.0 |
Xamarin.Android | 7.0 |
Xamarin.iOS | 10.0 |
Xamarin.Mac | 3.0 |
You start by creating a client for an API. You can use this client for one request, or reuse it for many requests (which improves performance using the built-in connection pool).
IClient client = new FluentClient("https://example.org/api/");
Then just chain methods to set up the request and get the response. For example, here's a GET
request which reads the response content into a custom Item
class (deserialised based on content
Item item = await client
You can read the response into any of these formats:
type | method |
Item |
As<Item>() |
Item[] |
AsArray<Item>() |
byte[] |
AsByteArray() |
string |
AsString() |
Stream |
AsStream() |
JToken |
AsRawJson() |
JObject |
AsRawJsonObject() |
JArray |
AsRawJsonArray() |
If you don't need the response content, you can just await the request:
await client.PostAsync("items", new Item(…));
You can quickly configure complex requests with the fluent methods. Here's a more complicated example:
Message[] messages = await client
.WithHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
id = 14,
category = "tools"
You can add a body directly in the POST method, automatically serialised to the right content type (e.g. JSON or XML):
await client.PostAsync("items", new Item(…));
Or add a body to any request:
await client
.WithBody(new SearchOptions(…));
Or take control of the format with a built-in or custom HttpContent
await client
.WithBody(new FormUrlEncodedContent(dictionary));
Or use a body builder for more options:
// serialise with a specific content type
await client
.WithBody(builder => builder.Model(new SearchOptions(…), "text/json"));
// send form URL-encoded body
await client
.WithBody(builder => builder.FormUrlEncoded(new
id = 14,
category = "tools"
The above examples all parse the response directly, but sometimes you want to peek at the HTTP metadata:
IResponse response = await client.GetAsync("messages/latest");
if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode || response.Status == HttpStatusCode.Found)
return response.AsArray<T>();
If you don't want to create a model class, the AsRawJson
methods let you fetch the response into
a JSON structure instead. (This only works for APIs which return JSON, not XML or another format.)
This lets you read values without mapping them to a model class:
JObject obj = await client
int count = obj["count"].Value<int>();
Item item = obj["data"]["items"].First.ToObject<Item>();
You can also read the values using dynamic
dynamic obj = await client
int count = obj.count;
Item item = obj.data.items.First.ToObject<Item>();
By default the client will throw ApiException
if the server returns an error code:
await client.Get("items");
catch(ApiException ex)
string responseText = await ex.Response.AsString();
throw new Exception($"The API responded with HTTP {ex.Response.Status}: {responseText}");
If you don't want that, you can...
disable it for one request:
IResponse response = await client .GetAsync("items") .WithOptions(ignoreHttpErrors: true);
disable it for all requests:
client.SetOptions(ignoreHttpErrors: true);
The client supports JSON and XML out of the box. If you need more, you can...
Add any of the existing media type formatters:
client.Formatters.Add(new YamlFormatter());
Create your own by subclassing
(optionally using the includedMediaTypeFormatterBase
The client won't retry failed requests by default, but that's easy to configure:
maxRetries: 3,
shouldRetry: request => request.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK,
getDelay: (attempt, response) => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(attempt) // 1, 2, and 3 seconds
For more specific logic, you can implement IRequestCoordinator
to control how requests are
dispatched. For example, here's a retry coordinator using Polly:
/// <summary>A request coordinator which retries failed requests with a delay between each attempt.</summary>
public class RetryCoordinator : IRequestCoordinator
/// <summary>Dispatch an HTTP request.</summary>
/// <param name="request">The response message to validate.</param>
/// <param name="send">Dispatcher that executes the request.</param>
/// <returns>The final HTTP response.</returns>
public Task<HttpResponseMessage> ExecuteAsync(IRequest request, Func<IRequest, Task<HttpResponseMessage>> send)
HttpStatusCode[] retryCodes = { HttpStatusCode.GatewayTimeout, HttpStatusCode.RequestTimeout };
return Policy
.HandleResult<HttpResponseMessage>(request => retryCodes.Contains(request.StatusCode)) // should we retry?
.WaitAndRetryAsync(3, attempt => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(attempt)) // up to 3 retries with increasing delay
.ExecuteAsync(() => send(request)); // begin handling request
...and here's how you'd set it:
client.SetRequestCoordinator(new RetryCoordinator());
(You can only have one request coordinator on the client; you should use HTTP filters instead for most overrides.)
You can read and change the underlying HTTP requests and responses by creating IHttpFilter
implementations. They can be useful for automating custom authentication or error-handling.
For example, the default error-handling is just a filter:
/// <summary>Method invoked just after the HTTP response is received. This method can modify the incoming HTTP response.</summary>
/// <param name="response">The HTTP response.</param>
/// <param name="httpErrorAsException">Whether HTTP error responses (e.g. HTTP 404) should be raised as exceptions.</param>
public void OnResponse(IResponse response, bool httpErrorAsException)
if (httpErrorAsException && !response.Message.IsSuccessStatusCode)
throw new ApiException(response, $"The API query failed with status code {response.Message.StatusCode}: {response.Message.ReasonPhrase}");
...which you can replace with your own:
client.Filters.Add(new YourErrorFilter());
You can do much more with HTTP filters by editing the requests before they're sent or the responses before they're parsed:
/// <summary>Method invoked just before the HTTP request is submitted. This method can modify the outgoing HTTP request.</summary>
/// <param name="request">The HTTP request.</param>
public void OnRequest(IRequest request)
// example only — you'd normally use a method like client.SetAuthentication(…) instead.
request.Message.Headers.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("token", "…");
For advanced scenarios, you can customise the underlying HttpClient and HttpClientHandler. For example, here's how to create mock requests for unit testing using RichardSzalay.MockHttp:
// create mock
var mockHandler = new MockHttpMessageHandler();
mockHandler.When(HttpMethod.Get, "https://example.org/api/items").Respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, testRequest => new StringContent("[]"));
// create client
var client = new FluentClient("https://example.org/api", new HttpClient(mockHandler));
The client fully supports .NET cancellation tokens if you need to abort requests:
var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
await client
The client is built around the async
and await
keywords, but you can use the client
synchronously. That's not recommended — it complicates error-handling (e.g. errors get wrapped
into AggregateException), and it's very easy to cause thread deadlocks when you do this (see
Parallel Programming with .NET: Await, and UI, and deadlocks! Oh my! and
Don't Block on Async Code).
If you really need to use it synchronously, you can just call the Result
Item item = client.GetAsync("items/14").Result;
Or if you don't need the response:
client.PostAsync("items", new Item(…)).AsResponse().Wait();