#== The movedb and omdb combined python(django) & reactjs app ==

##== How to install ==

###== Django App: ==

1. Create a mysql database naming `omdb_movies`
2. inside `/omdb_movies_api/omdb_movies/settings.py` change `DATABASES` username, password
3. cd to `/omdb_movies_api` install Virtual env:

    1. On unix terminal run:
        `python3 -m venv env`
        `. venv/bin/activate`
    2. windows powershell run:
        `python -m venv env`
4. Run `pip install -r requirements.txt`
5. Run `python manage.py migrate`
6. Run `python manage.py createsuperuser --email myname@email.com`
7. Fill up the forms and press enter, please dont use any common password
8. Run app: python manage.py runserver`
9. if everything goese ok, you will be able to browse: ``

###== React App: ==

1. open a new terminal/powershell `omdb_movies_frontend` run `npm i && npm start` you'll see site on `http://localhost:3000`
    (if something went wrong delete node_modules & package-lock.json & yarn.lock rerun `npm i && npm start`)