
Simple Svelte QRCode Scanner using instascan

Primary LanguageHTML


This is a simple QRScanner using instascan and Svelte.

Get started

Import at your javascript at htmlx (svelte) file:

import QRScanner from 'svelte-qr-scanner'

In html part:

<QRScanner height="100" width="100" opts=.../>
  <div class="placeholder">No cameras loaded!</div>


  • width - Scanner video width.
  • height - Scanner video height.
  • fit - object-fit strategy (none, contain, fill, scale-down...).
  • cameras - List of cameras available.
  • opts - instascan opts.
let opts = {
  // Whether to scan continuously for QR codes. If false, use scanner.scan() to manually scan.
  // If true, the scanner emits the "scan" event when a QR code is scanned. Default true.
  continuous: true,
  // The HTML element to use for the camera's video preview. Must be a <video> element.
  // When the camera is active, this element will have the "active" CSS class, otherwise,
  // it will have the "inactive" class. By default, an invisible element will be created to
  // host the video.
  video: document.getElementById('preview'),
  // Whether to horizontally mirror the video preview. This is helpful when trying to
  // scan a QR code with a user-facing camera. Default true.
  mirror: true,
  // Whether to include the scanned image data as part of the scan result. See the "scan" event
  // for image format details. Default false.
  captureImage: false,
  // Only applies to continuous mode. Whether to actively scan when the tab is not active.
  // When false, this reduces CPU usage when the tab is not active. Default true.
  backgroundScan: true,
  // Only applies to continuous mode. The period, in milliseconds, before the same QR code
  // will be recognized in succession. Default 5000 (5 seconds).
  refractoryPeriod: 5000,
  // Only applies to continuous mode. The period, in rendered frames, between scans. A lower scan period
  // increases CPU usage but makes scan response faster. Default 1 (i.e. analyze every frame).
  scanPeriod: 1


  • scan() - Manually activates scan
  • stop() - Stops scanner
  • changeCamera(camera) - Changes the current camera, if no paramaters passed it changes to the next available camera.


  • scan - Fired when the Scanner reads a QR Code, returns the content as event payload.
  • scannerStarted - Fired when scanner has started.
  • scannerStopped - Fired when scanner has stopped.
  • scannerStartFailed - Fired when scanner start failed.
  • loadCameraFailed - Fired when scanner camera has failed.