A curated list of inpainting papers and resources, inspired by awesome-computer-vision.
- Image inpainting. Bertalmio, M., Sapiro, G., Caselles, V., & Ballester, C.
- Simultaneous structure and texture image inpainting. Bertalmio, M., Vese, L., Sapiro, G., & Osher, S.
In TIP 2003
- Region filling and object removal by exemplar-based image inpainting. Criminisi, A., Pérez, P., & Toyama, K.
In TIP 2004
- Image completion with structure propagation. Sun, J., Yuan, L., Jia, J., & Shum, H. Y.
In TOG 2005
- Image completion using planar structure guidance. Huang, J. B., Kang, S. B., Ahuja, N., & Kopf, J.
In TOG 2014
[code] [project] - PatchMatch: A randomized correspondence algorithm for structural image editing. Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, Adam Finkelstein, Dan B Goldman.
In TOG 2009
, [project]
- Shepard convolutional neural networks. Ren, J. S., Xu, L., Yan, Q., & Sun, W.
In NeurIPS 2015
[code] - Context encoders: Feature learning by inpainting. Pathak, D., Krahenbuhl, P., Donahue, J., Darrell, T., & Efros, A. A.
In CVPR 2016
. [code] - Globally and locally consistent image completion. Iizuka, S., Simo-Serra, E., & Ishikawa, H. (2017).
In TOG 2017
[code] [project] - High-resolution image inpainting using multi-scale neural patch synthesis. Yang, C., Lu, X., Lin, Z., Shechtman, E., Wang, O., & Li, H.
In CVPR 2017
[code] - Generative face completion. Li, Y., Liu, S., Yang, J., & Yang, M. H.
In CVPR 2017
[code] - Semantic image inpainting with deep generative models. Yeh, R. A., Chen, C., Yian Lim, T., Schwing, A. G., Hasegawa-Johnson, M., & Do, M. N.
In CVPR 2017
[code] [project] - Generative image inpainting with contextual attention. Yu, J., Lin, Z., Yang, J., Shen, X., Lu, X., & Huang, T. S.
In CVPR 2018
[code] [project] - Natural and effective obfuscation by head inpainting. Sun Qianru et al.
In CVPR 2018
- Eye in-painting with exemplar generative adversarial networks. Dolhansky, B., & Canton Ferrer, C.
In CVPR 2018
[project] [code] - Uv-gan: Adversarial facial uv map completion for pose-invariant face recognition. Deng, J., Cheng, S., Xue, N., Zhou, Y., & Zafeiriou, S.
In CVPR 2018
- Disentangling Structure and Aesthetics for Style-aware Image Completion. Gilbert, A., Collomosse, J., Jin, H., & Price, B.
In CVPR 2018
- Image inpainting for irregular holes using partial convolutions. Liu, G., Reda, F. A., Shih, K. J., Wang, T. C., Tao, A., & Catanzaro, B.
In ECCV 2018
[project] - Contextual-based image inpainting: Infer, match, and translate. Song, Y., Yang, C., Lin, Z., Liu, X., Huang, Q., Li, H., & Jay Kuo, C. C.
In ECCV 2018
- Shift-net: Image inpainting via deep feature rearrangement. Yan, Z., Li, X., Li, M., Zuo, W., & Shan, S.
In ECCV 2018
[code] - Image Inpainting via Generative Multi-column Convolutional Neural Networks. Wang, Y., Tao, X., Qi, X., Shen, X., & Jia, J.
In NeurIPS 2018
[code] - SPG-Net: Segmentation prediction and guidance network for image inpainting. Song, Y., Yang, C., Shen, Y., Wang, P., Huang, Q., & Kuo, C. C. J.
In BMVC 2018
- Structural inpainting. Vo, H. V., Duong, N. Q., & Pérez, P.
In MM 2018
- Semantic Image Inpainting with Progressive Generative Networks. Zhang, H., Hu, Z., Luo, C., Zuo, W., & Wang, M.
In MM 2018
[code] - Face Completion with Semantic Knowledge and Collaborative Adversarial Learning. Liao, H., Funka-Lea, G., Zheng, Y., Luo, J., & Zhou, S. K.
In ACCV 2018
- Edge-Aware Context Encoder for Image Inpainting. Liao, L., Hu, R., Xiao, J., & Wang, Z.
In ICASPP 2018
- Faceshop: Deep sketch-based face image editing. Portenier, T., Hu, Q., Szabó, A., Bigdeli, S. A., Favaro, P., & Zwicker, M.
In TOG 2018
- High resolution face completion with multiple controllable attributes via fully end-to-end progressive generative adversarial networks. Chen, Z., Nie, S., Wu, T., & Healey, C. G.
In Arxiv 2018
- On Hallucinating Context and Background Pixels from a Face Mask using Multi-scale GANs. Banerjee, S., Scheirer, W. J., Bowyer, K. W., & Flynn, P. J.
In Arxiv 2018
- Pluralistic Image Completion. Zheng, C., Cham, T. J., & Cai, J.
In CVPR 2019
[code] [project] - Learning Pyramid-Context Encoder Network for High-Quality Image Inpainting. Zeng, Y., Fu, J., Chao, H., & Guo, B.
In CVPR 2019
[code] - Foreground-aware Image Inpainting. Xiong, W., Lin, Z., Yang, J., Lu, X., Barnes, C., & Luo, J.
In CVPR 2019
- Deep Reinforcement Learning of Volume-guided Progressive View Inpainting for 3D Point Scene Completion from a Single Depth Image. Han, X., Zhang, Z., Du, D., Yang, M., Yu, J., Pan, P., ... & Cui, S.
In CVPR 2019
- PEPSI: Fast Image Inpainting With Parallel Decoding Network. CVPR (pp. 11360-11368). Sagong, M. C., Shin, Y. G., Kim, S. W., Park, S., & Ko, S. J.
In CVPR 2019
- Coordinate-Based Texture Inpainting for Pose-Guided Human Image Generation. Grigorev, A., Sevastopolsky, A., Vakhitov, A., & Lempitsky, V. CVPR2019.
- Deep Inception Generative Network for Cognitive Image Inpainting. Xiao, Q., Li, G., & Chen, Q.
In Arxiv 2019
- Detecting Overfitting of Deep Generative Networks via Latent Recovery. Webster, R., Rabin, J., Simon, L., & Jurie, F.
In Arxiv 2019
- SC-FEGAN: Face Editing Generative Adversarial Network with User's Sketch and Color. Jo, Y., & Park, J. (2019).
In Arxiv 2019
[code] - Deep Fusion Network for Image Completion. Hong, X., Xiong, P., Ji, R., & Fan, H.
In Arxiv 2019
[code] - PEPSI++: Fast and Lightweight Network for Image Inpainting. Shin, Y. G., Sagong, M. C., Yeo, Y. J., Kim, S. W., & Ko, S. J.
In Arxiv 2019
- Generative Image Inpainting with Submanifold Alignment Ang Li, Jianzhong Qi, Rui Zhang, Xingjun Ma, Kotagiri Ramamohanarao.
In IJCAI 2019
- MUSICAL: Multi-Scale Image Contextual Attention Learning for Inpainting. Wang, N., Li, J., Zhang, L., & Du, B.
In IJCAI 2019
- Coarse-to-Fine Image Inpainting via Region-wise Convolutions and Non-Local Correlation. Ma, Y., Liu, X., Bai, S., Wang, L., He, D., & Liu, A.
In IJCAI 2019
- StructureFlow: Image Inpainting via Structure-aware Appearance Flow, Yurui Ren, Xiaoming Yu, Ruonan Zhang, Thomas H. Li, Shan Liu, Ge Li.
In ICCV 2019
[code] - Image Inpainting with Learnable Bidirectional Attention Maps, Chaohao Xie, Shaohui Liu, Chao Li, Ming-Ming Cheng, Wangmeng Zuo, Xiao Liu, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding.
In ICCV 2019
[code] - Coherent Semantic Attention for Image Inpainting, Hongyu Liu, Bin Jiang, Yi Xiao, Chao Yang.
In ICCV 2019
[code] - EdgeConnect: Generative Image Inpainting with Adversarial Edge Learning. Nazeri, K., Ng, E., Joseph, T., Qureshi, F., & Ebrahimi, M.
In ICCVW 2019
[code] - Free-form image inpainting with gated convolution. Yu, J., Lin, Z., Yang, J., Shen, X., Lu, X., & Huang, T. S.
In ICCV 2019
[project] - Region Normalization for Image Inpainting. Tao et al.
In AAAI 2020
[code] - Learning to Incorporate Structure Knowledge for Image Inpainting, Yang et al.
In AAAI 2020
[code] - Prior Guided GAN Based Semantic Inpainting, Lahiri1 et al.
In CVPR 2020
- UCTGAN: Diverse Image Inpainting based on Unsupervised Cross-Space Translation, Zhao et al.
In CVPR 2020
- Recurrent Feature Reasoning for Image Inpainting, Li et al.
In CVPR 2020
[code] - Contextual Residual Aggregation for Ultra High-Resolution Image Inpainting, Yi et al.,
In CVPR 2020
[code] - 3D Photography using Context-aware Layered Depth Inpainting, Shih et al.
In CVPR 2020
[demo] [code]
- Navier-stokes, fluid dynamics, and image and video inpainting. Bertalmio, M., Bertozzi, A. L., & Sapiro, G.
In CVPR 2001
(Vol. 1, pp. I-I). IEEE. - Video inpainting of occluding and occluded objects. Patwardhan, K. A., Sapiro, G., & Bertalmio, M.
In ICIP 2005
(Vol. 2, pp. II-69). IEEE. - Full-frame video stabilization with motion inpainting. Matsushita, Y., Ofek, E., Ge, W., Tang, X., & Shum, H. Y.
In TPAMI 2006
, (7), 1150-1163. [project] - Video completion by motion field transfer. Shiratori, T., Matsushita, Y., Tang, X., & Kang, S. B. (2006, June).
In CVPR 2006
(Vol. 1, pp. 411-418). [project] - Space-time completion of video. Wexler, Y., Shechtman, E., & Irani, M.
In TPAMI 2007
, (3), 463-476. [project] - Video inpainting under constrained camera motion. Patwardhan, K. A., Sapiro, G., & Bertalmío, M.
In TIP 2007
, 16(2), 545-553. - How not to be seen—object removal from videos of crowded scenes. Granados, M., Tompkin, J., Kim, K., Grau, O., Kautz, J., & Theobalt, C.
In Computer Graphics Forum 2012
(Vol. 31, No. 2pt1, pp. 219-228). [project] - Background inpainting for videos with dynamic objects and a free-moving camera. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Granados, M., Kim, K. I., Tompkin, J., Kautz, J., & Theobalt, C.
In ECCV 2012
. [project] - Video inpainting of complex scenes. Newson, A., Almansa, A., Fradet, M., Gousseau, Y., & Pérez, P.
In SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2014
, 7(4), 1993-2019. [project] - Video inpainting with short-term windows: application to object removal and error concealment. Ebdelli, M., Le Meur, O., & Guillemot, C.
In TIP 2015
, 24(10), 3034-3047. - Temporally coherent completion of dynamic video. Huang, J. B., Kang, S. B., Ahuja, N., & Kopf, J.
In TOG 2016
. [project] [code]
- Video inpainting by jointly learning temporal structure and spatial details. Wang, C., Huang, H., Han, X., & Wang, J.
In AAAI 2019
- Deep Flow-Guided Video Inpainting. Xu, R., Li, X., Zhou, B., & Loy, C. C.
In CVPR 2019
[code] [project] - Deep Video Inpainting. Kim, D., Woo, S., Lee, J. Y., & Kweon, I. S.
In CVPR 2019
[code] [project] - Deep Blind Video Decaptioning by Temporal Aggregation and Recurrence. Kim, D., Woo, S., Lee, J. Y., & Kweon, I. S.
In CVPR 2019
[project] - VORNet: Spatio-temporally Consistent Video Inpainting for Object Removal
Ya-Liang Chang, Zhe Yu Liu, Winston Hsu.
In CVPRW 2019
[code] - Learnable Gated Temporal Shift Module for Deep Video Inpainting Ya-Liang Chang, Zhe Yu Liu, Kuan-Ying Lee, Winston Hsu.
In BMVC 2019
[code] - Align-and-Attend Network for Globally and Locally Coherent Video Inpainting. Woo, S., Kim, D., Park, K., Lee, J. Y., & Kweon, I. S.
In Arxiv 2019
- Frame-Recurrent Video Inpainting by Robust Optical Flow Inference Yifan Ding, Chuan Wang, Haibin Huang, Jiaming Liu, Jue Wang, Liqiang Wang.
In Arxiv 2019
- Free-form Video Inpainting with 3D Gated Convolution and Temporal PatchGAN Ya-Liang Chang, Zhe Yu Liu, Kuan-Ying Lee, Winston Hsu.
In ICCV 2019
[code] - Onion-Peel Networks for Deep Video Completion, Seoung Wug Oh, Sungho Lee, Joon-Young Lee, Seon Joo Kim.
In ICCV 2019
[project] [code] - Copy-and-Paste Networks for Deep Video Inpainting, Sunho Lee, Seoung Wug Oh, DaeYeun Won, Seon Joo Kim.
In ICCV 2019
[code][project] - An Internal Learning Approach to Video Inpainting Haotian Zhang, Long Mai, Ning Xu, Zhaowen Wang, John Collomosse, Hailin Jin.
In ICCV 2019