
This Project was made for the purpose of taking attendance by face recognition, I used several Python3 libraries to obtain a system to track attendance by face recognition.

Primary LanguagePython

To run this project on your machine, after unzipping the project follow these commands:

  1. Create Several Empty directories with these exact names:
    1. Attendance
    2. ImagesUnknown
    3. TrainingImage
    4. TrainingImageLabel
  2. Then open Command Prompt in same Project directory and run these Commands:
    (Assuming you have Python3 and pip installed)
    1. pip install -r required.txt --user
    2. pip install -r opencv-contrib-python --upgrade --user
    3. Now you are all set to start this project, just start by this command:
    4. python train.py
  3. You will be shown a window like this:
  4. Enter Numeric value for Id.
  5. Enter your Name in the field provided.
  6. Click on Take Images.
    (Another window will open and your webcam will be activated you can see it is taking your picture to train its model.
    The window will close automatically,if it doesn't press q to close it.)
  7. Click on Train Images.
  8. Now Click on Track Images.
    (Another window will open and your webcam will be activated you can see it is showing your name below your face.)
  9. Press q to close the window.
  10. Now go to your project diectory and open Attendance folder(remember you created blank folders).
    Here you can see a .csv file is created open it with excel you can see it contains your name id and a datestamp of you when you tracked the image.
Similarly You can train it for multiple peoples.(Place one person in the frame while taking the image.)
Although try with multiple people in the frame when you are marking the attandance i.e. Tracking Images.

For further assistance raise a Issue.