
Node.js CloudFlare V4 API wrapper

Primary LanguageJavaScript

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CloudFlare API v4

The Cloudflare4 module allows you to communicate with the CloudFlare V4 API from node.js in a promise friendly manner.

It also supports automatic request retries.


This module is published in NPM:

npm install cloudflare4 --save

The --save tells NPM to automatically add it to your package.json file


// Import a module
var CloudFlareAPI = require('cloudflare4');

// Create an instance with your API V4 credentials
var api = new CloudFlareAPI({email: 'email@domain.com', key: 'my_key'});

// Get things done
api.userFirewallAccessRuleGetAll().then(function (rules) {


new CloudFlareAPI({
	email: 'email@domain.com',
	key: 'my_key',
	itemsPerPage: 100, // default=100
	maxRetries: 5, // default=5
	raw: false // default=false,
	autoPagination: false, // default=false
	autoPaginationConcurrency: 1 // default=1


you can pass pagination params into any method that has a body or query argument.

api.userFirewallAccessRuleGetAll({per_page: 1, page: 2}).then(function (rules) {

or with auto-pagination

api.userFirewallAccessRuleGetAll({auto_pagination: true, auto_pagination_concurrency: 1}).then(function (rules) {

Note: if you use auto_pagination for a GetAll the raw argument is no longer respected


if you set raw it will return the full response body including pagination details


would return

	result: { 
		id: 'dc19c3231tds452eb4ebc123d6eb4c99',
		email: 'email@domain.com',
		username: 'username',
		first_name: 'Foo',
		last_name: 'Bar',
		telephone: '5555555555',
		country: null,
		zipcode: null,
		two_factor_authentication_enabled: false,
		two_factor_authentication_locked: false,
		created_on: '2014-09-29T13:21:56.807670Z',
		modified_on: '2015-10-04T00:02:50.855108Z',
		organizations: null,
		has_pro_zones: true,
		has_business_zones: false,
		has_enterprise_zones: false
	success: true,
	errors: [],
	messages: []

and with raw set to false (the default), it would return

	id: 'dc19c3231tds452eb4ebc123d6eb4c99',
	email: 'email@domain.com',
	username: 'username',
	first_name: 'Foo',
	last_name: 'Bar',
	telephone: '5555555555',
	country: null,
	zipcode: null,
	two_factor_authentication_enabled: false,
	two_factor_authentication_locked: false,
	created_on: '2014-09-29T13:21:56.807670Z',
	modified_on: '2015-10-04T00:02:50.855108Z',
	organizations: null,
	has_pro_zones: true,
	has_business_zones: false,
	has_enterprise_zones: false


we use the debug module so you can debug the http requests by doing the following

DEBUG=http node myfile.js

also all methods enforce type checking so invalid usage would result in errors like this

Debug Example


All methods follow the official API documentation.