
Primary LanguageGroovy


This app is used to pull log data continuously, and then "replay" it against a test site. This is meant to load test the web site using live traffic and hopefully discover issues before rolling out to production.


To run this app, either download it or clone it using git.

Next, install Spring Boot's CLI.

  • One option is to install via GVM.
  • Another is to install with Mac homebrew by typing:
$ brew tap pivotal/tap && brew install springboot

Then, you need both cf and the log plugin.

$ gem install cf
$ gem install logs-cf-plugin --pre -v '0.0.44.pre'

Finally, you must create an application.properties files in the same folder where replay.groovy is found with your CF credentials.

username=<your CF username>
password=<your CF password>

Don't include the angled brackets when you plug in your own credentials

Note: .gitignore has been configured so application.properties will NOT be added to source control, and cause you to accidentally give away your CF credentials.

Running the app

With everything setup, let's fire it up!

$ spring run replay.groovy

This should start things up. It may take a few seconds to get started if this is the first time you have run a Spring Boot application. After it launches, it may take a few more seconds to login to CF and start pulling log files. But once it gets underway, it should be continuous.

  .   ____          _            __ _ _
 /\\ / ___'_ __ _ _(_)_ __  __ _ \ \ \ \
( ( )\___ | '_ | '_| | '_ \/ _` | \ \ \ \
 \\/  ___)| |_)| | | | | || (_| |  ) ) ) )
  '  |____| .__|_| |_|_| |_\__, | / / / /
 :: Spring Boot ::             (v0.5.0.M4)

2013-10-14 16:59:16.481  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] o.s.boot.SpringApplication               : Starting application on retina with PID 92375 (/Users/gturnquist/.groovy/grapes/org.springframework.boot/spring-boot/jars/spring-boot-0.5.0.M4.jar started by gturnquist)
2013-10-14 16:59:16.507  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] s.c.a.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext : Refreshing org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext@4d38e3ae: startup date [Mon Oct 14 16:59:16 EDT 2013]; root of context hierarchy
2013-10-14 16:59:17.769  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] o.s.boot.SpringApplication               : Started application in 1.502 seconds
2013-10-14 16:59:27.960  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] io.spring.replay.Application             : Fetching logs
2013-10-14 16:59:39.572  INFO 92375 --- [       Thread-2] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/css/search.css
2013-10-14 16:59:42.111  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/css/search.css
2013-10-14 16:59:43.049  INFO 92375 --- [       Thread-2] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/project_metadata/spring-security-oauth?callback=jQuery110106259836407843977_1381784389876&_=1381784389877
2013-10-14 16:59:43.772  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/project_metadata/spring-security-oauth?callback=jQuery110106259836407843977_1381784389876&_=1381784389877
2013-10-14 16:59:44.387  INFO 92375 --- [       Thread-2] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/js/search.js
2013-10-14 16:59:44.718  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/js/search.js
2013-10-14 16:59:45.053  INFO 92375 --- [       Thread-2] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/
2013-10-14 16:59:45.899  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/
2013-10-14 16:59:46.672  INFO 92375 --- [       Thread-2] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/blog/
2013-10-14 16:59:47.749  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/blog/
2013-10-14 16:59:49.859  INFO 92375 --- [       Thread-2] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/blog/feed/
2013-10-14 16:59:50.384  INFO 92375 --- [       runner-0] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/blog/feed/
2013-10-14 16:59:51.251  INFO 92375 --- [       Thread-2] io.spring.replay.Replay                  : Replaying sagan-blue GET http://staging.spring.io/

Hit CTRL-C to stop the app. Each line indicates where it got the data (sagan-blue from production) and the exact location where it is replaying that web request.