
Some java stuff for dealing with MPO files, taken from http://www.randelshofer.ch/multishow/index.html

Primary LanguageJava

If you need to dismantle an MPO file into JPEGs in a java app, this is
your thingywotsit.

Give your pom some love like so:


And whisper to it in the night, thusly:


All the good beans are in the org.monte.media package. It's a subset of the
stuff documented at http://www.randelshofer.ch/multishow/javadoc/index.html,
plus, like, this one method I added to MPOImageReader:
public SubImageInputStream inputStreamForIndex(int imageIndex)
You can construct two SubImageInputStreams from the same MPOImageReader, but you probably shouldn't. It looks like each SubImageInputStream seeks around in the input stream and assumes that its input stream will not be seeked around in by anything else. Long story short, two SubImageInputStreams over the same MPOImageReader will make it go all monkeys and bananas in there. 50% of this is http://cemerick.com/2010/08/24/hosting-maven-repos-on-github/ and the other 99% of it is http://www.randelshofer.ch/multishow/. The remaining 18th might actually have been me, I guess. It's governed by http://www.randelshofer.ch/multishow/doc/license.html