
  • This is a chatbot created using Slack platform and IBM Watson Assistant for NLP processing.
  • It uses a recommendation system (metadata based collaborative filtering) to suggest similar movies with their IMDB links and posters.
  • It also addresses below queries:-
    • Movie Overview
    • Movie Genre
    • Budget
    • Revenue
    • Ratings
    • No. of votes/Voter Count
    • IMDB Link
    • TMDB Link
    • Check for adult content
    • Recommendation for similar movies

MovieBot setup prerequisites:-

  • Install the required python libraries (used Python 3.9.0 in this case) mentioned in requirements.txt file
    • pandas==1.1.4
    • slackclient==1.2.1
    • watson-developer-cloud>=2.4.0
    • nltk==3.5
    • sklearn==0.23.2
    • joblib==0.17.0
  • Create a Slack classic app Click here and install it to your Slack workspace.
  • Make a note of "Verification Token" and "Bot User OAuth Token".
  • Setup IBM Watson Assitant Click here , create a dialog skill and add intent and entites.
  • Make a note of "Assistant API Key" and "Assistant skill Id".
  • Integrate Watson Assistant with Slack Click here

How to initiate MovieBot...

  • Clone this project and update config files for "Verification Token", "Bot User OAuth Token", "Assistant API Key" and "Assistant skill Id".
  • Execute present under nlp/recommendation_Sys so as to generate a .joblib file storing the variables, matrices to be used for recommendation system.
  • Run and you will get a message 'MovieBot connected and running!' on successful connection.

How to use...