- 0
Input is flickering if there is no "key" defined
#11 opened by Wei-Lim - 0
Option to preset "blank" widget programatorically.
#10 opened by gitNetw0rk - 0
- 1
Support pick date and time in picker
#8 opened by cool9203 - 2
- 1
Support Multiple Refresh Button
#6 opened by ndy2 - 3
Python Version under 3.10
#1 opened by ELFALLAH02 - 3
MarshallComponentException: ('Could not convert component args to JSON', TypeError('Object of type PickerType is not JSON serializable'))
#5 opened by bo-wu - 1
- 1
Flickering Issue
#4 opened by PFacheris - 0
Add a parameter for selectable dates
#2 opened by hansthen