Application Overview

This application is a web-based banking system developed using PHP and MySQL, with additional use of HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. The software is designed to run on PHP version 5 and above and is compatible with any MySQL Database that supports PHP 5 and above.

Key Features

  • Programming Paradigm: The application is primarily coded using PHP Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles, ensuring a modular and organized codebase.

  • User Dashboards:

    • Admin Dashboard: Accessible through the admin login, the admin dashboard provides administrative functionalities.

      • Admin Login Credentials:
        • Username: admin
        • Password: 1234
    • Client Dashboard: Users can log in using their individual accounts to access their banking features.

      • Sample Customer Accounts:
        • Username: john, Password: 1234
        • Username: jane, Password: 1234
  • Banking Operations:

    • Account Management:

      • Add customer accounts
      • Delete customer accounts
      • Block/unblock customer accounts
    • Funds Transfer:

      • Transfer funds between accounts

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Configure the database information in the "initialize.php" file.
  3. Ensure your server environment supports PHP 5 and above.

Admin Login

To access the admin dashboard, use the following credentials:

  • Username: admin
  • Password: 1234

Sample Customer Accounts

For testing purposes, you can use the following sample customer accounts:

  1. John's Account:

    • Username: john
    • Password: 1234
  2. Jane's Account:

    • Username: jane
    • Password: 1234

Banking Operations

  • Account Management:

    • Add Customer: Admin can add new customer accounts.
    • Delete Customer: Admin can delete customer accounts.
    • Block/Unblock Customer: Admin can block or unblock customer accounts.
  • Funds Transfer:

    • Users can transfer funds between their accounts.

Database Configuration

Ensure the correct database information is set in the "initialize.php" file to establish a connection with the MySQL database.

// initialize.php
    if(!defined("DATABASE_HOST")) define("DATABASE_HOST", 'your_database_host'); //Database server
    if(!defined("DATABASE_USERNAME")) define("DATABASE_USERNAME", 'your_database_username'); //Database username
    if(!defined("DATABASE_PASSWORD")) define("DATABASE_PASSWORD", 'your_database_password'); //Database password
    if(!defined("DATABASE_NAME")) define("DATABASE_NAME", 'your_database_name'); //Database name


This application is intended for educational and testing purposes only. It is crucial to implement robust security measures before deploying any banking system for real-world use.

Feel free to explore and contribute to the development of this banking application!