- Xilinx Vivado 2019.1
- cmake 3.0 or higher
Supported boards (out of the box)
- Xilinx VC709
- Xilinx VCU118
- Alpha Data ADM-PCIE-7V3
- Optionally specify the location of your IP repository:
export $IPREPO_DIR=/home/myname/iprepo
- Create a build directory
mkdir build
cd build
2.a) Configure build
cmake .. -DDATA_WIDTH=64 -DCLOCK_PERIOD=3.1 -DFPGA_PART=xcvu9p-flga2104-2L-e -DFPGA_FAMILY=ultraplus -DVIVADO_HLS_ROOT_DIR=/opt/Xilinx/Vivado//2019.1/bin/
2.b)Alternatively you can use one the board name ot configure your build
cmake .. -DDEVICE_NAME=vcu118
All cmake options:
Name | Values | Desription |
DEVICE_NAME | <vc709,vcu118,adm7v3> | Supported devices |
NETWORK_BANDWIDTH | <10,100> | Bandwidth of the Ethernet interface in Gbit/s, default depends on board |
FPGA_PART | Name of the FPGA part, e.g. xc7vx690tffg1761-2 | |
FPGA_FAMILY | <7series,ultraplus> | Name of the FPGA part family |
DATA_WIDTH | <8,16,32,64> | Data width of the network stack in bytes |
CLOCK_PERIOD | Clock period in nanoseconds, e.g. 3.1 for 100G, 6.4 for 10G | |
TCP_STACK_MSS | Maximum segment size of the TCP/IP stack | |
TCP_STACK_WINDOW_SCALING_EN | <0,1> | Enalbing TCP Window scaling option |
VIVADO_HLS_ROOT_DIR | Path to Vivado HLS directory, e.g. /opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2019.1 |
- Build HLS IP cores and install them into IP repository
make installip
For an example project including the TCP/IP stack or the RoCEv2 stack with DMA to host memory checkout our Distributed Accelerator OS DavOS.
- Setup build directory, e.g. for the TCP module
$ cd hls/toe
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake .. -DFPGA_PART=xcvu9p-flga2104-2L-e -DDATA_WIDTH=8 -DCLOCK_PERIOD=3.1
- Run c-simulation
$ make csim
- Run c-synthesis
$ make synthesis
- Generate HLS IP core
$ make ip
- Install HLS IP core into the IP repository
$ make installip
All interfaces are using the AXI4-Stream protocol. For AXI4-Streams carrying network/data packets, we use the following definition in HLS:
template <int D>
struct net_axis
ap_uint<D> data;
ap_uint<D/8> keep;
ap_uint<1> last;
To open a connection the destination IP address and TCP port have to provided through the s_axis_open_conn_req
interface. The TCP stack provides an answer to this request through the m_axis_open_conn_rsp
interface which provides the sessionID and a boolean indicating if the connection was openend successfully.
Interface definition in HLS:
struct ipTuple
ap_uint<32> ip_address;
ap_uint<16> ip_port;
struct openStatus
ap_uint<16> sessionID;
bool success;
void toe(...
hls::stream<ipTuple>& openConnReq,
hls::stream<openStatus>& openConnRsp,
To close a connection the sessionID has to be provided to the s_axis_close_conn_req
interface. The TCP/IP stack does not provide a notification upon completion of this request, however it is guranteeed that the connection is closed eventually.
Interface definition in HLS:
hls::stream<ap_uint<16> >& closeConnReq,
To open a port to listen on (e.g. as a server), the port number has to be provided to s_axis_listen_port_req
. The port number has to be in range of active ports: 0 - 32767. The TCP stack will respond through the m_axis_listen_port_rsp
interface indicating if the port was set to the listen state succesfully.
Interface definition in HLS:
hls::stream<ap_uint<16> >& listenPortReq,
hls::stream<bool>& listenPortRsp,
The application using the TCP stack can receive notifications through the m_axis_notification
interface. The notifications either indicate that new data is available or that a connection was closed.
Interface definition in HLS:
struct appNotification
ap_uint<16> sessionID;
ap_uint<16> length;
ap_uint<32> ipAddress;
ap_uint<16> dstPort;
bool closed;
hls::stream<appNotification>& notification,
If data is available on a TCP/IP session, i.e. a notification was received. Then this data can be requested through the s_axis_rx_data_req
interface. The data as well as the sessionID are then received through the m_axis_rx_data_rsp_metadata
and m_axis_rx_data_rsp
Interface definition in HLS:
struct appReadRequest
ap_uint<16> sessionID;
ap_uint<16> length;
hls::stream<appReadRequest>& rxDataReq,
hls::stream<ap_uint<16> >& rxDataRspMeta,
hls::stream<net_axis<WIDTH> >& rxDataRsp,
Waveform of receiving a (data) notification, requesting data, and receiving the data:
When an application wants to transmit data on a TCP connection, it first has to check if enough buffer space is available. This check/request is done through the s_axis_tx_data_req_metadata
interface. If the response through the m_axis_tx_data_rsp
interface from the TCP stack is positive. The application can send the data through the s_axis_tx_data_req
interface. If the response from the TCP stack is negative the application can retry by sending another request on the s_axis_tx_data_req_metadata
Interface definition in HLS:
struct appTxMeta
ap_uint<16> sessionID;
ap_uint<16> length;
struct appTxRsp
ap_uint<16> sessionID;
ap_uint<16> length;
ap_uint<30> remaining_space;
ap_uint<2> error;
hls::stream<appTxMeta>& txDataReqMeta,
hls::stream<appTxRsp>& txDataRsp,
hls::stream<net_axis<WIDTH> >& txDataReq,
Waveform of requesting a data transmit and transmitting the data.
Before any RDMA operations can be executed the Queue Pairs have to established out-of-band (e.g. over TCP/IP) by the hosts. The host can the load the QP into the RoCE stack through the s_axis_qp_interface
and s_axis_qp_conn_interface
Interface definition in HLS:
struct qpContext
qpState newState;
ap_uint<24> qp_num;
ap_uint<24> remote_psn;
ap_uint<24> local_psn;
ap_uint<16> r_key;
ap_uint<48> virtual_address;
struct ifConnReq
ap_uint<16> qpn;
ap_uint<24> remote_qpn;
ap_uint<128> remote_ip_address;
ap_uint<16> remote_udp_port;
hls::stream<qpContext>& s_axis_qp_interface,
hls::stream<ifConnReq>& s_axis_qp_conn_interface,
RDMA commands can be issued to RoCE stack through the s_axis_tx_meta
interface. In case the commands transmits data. This data can be either originate from the host memory as specified by the local_vaddr
or can originate from the application on the FPGA. In the latter case the local_vaddr
is set to 0 and the data is provided through the s_axis_tx_data
Interface definition in HLS:
struct txMeta
appOpCode op_code;
ap_uint<24> qpn;
ap_uint<48> local_vaddr;
ap_uint<48> remote_vaddr;
ap_uint<32> length;
hls::stream<txMeta>& s_axis_tx_meta,
hls::stream<net_axis<WIDTH> >& s_axis_tx_data,
Waveform of issuing a RDMA read request:
Waveform of issuing an RDMA write request where data on the FPGA is transmitted:
(Coming soon)
D. Sidler, G. Alonso, M. Blott, K. Karras et al., Scalable 10Gbps TCP/IP Stack Architecture for Reconfigurable Hardware, in FCCM’15, Paper, Slides
D. Sidler, Z. Istvan, G. Alonso, Low-Latency TCP/IP Stack for Data Center Applications, in FPL'16, Paper
If you use the TCP/IP stack in your project please cite one of the following papers and/or link to the github project:
author={D. Sidler and G. Alonso and M. Blott and K. Karras and others},
title={{Scalable 10Gbps TCP/IP Stack Architecture for Reconfigurable Hardware}},
author={D. Sidler and Z. Istvan and G. Alonso},
title={{Low-Latency TCP/IP Stack for Data Center Applications}},
author = {Sidler, David},
publisher = {ETH Zurich},
year = {2019-09},
copyright = {In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted},
title = {In-Network Data Processing using FPGAs},
- David Sidler, Systems Group, ETH Zurich
- Monica Chiosa, Systems Group, ETH Zurich
- Mario Ruiz, HPCN Group of UAM, Spain
- Kimon Karras, former Researcher at Xilinx Research, Dublin
- Lisa Liu, Xilinx Research, Dublin