
I'm now a ALX Student, this is my first repository as a full-stack engineer

Primary LanguageShell

You will need Git for this project, you might have to install it on your computer if it’s not done yet.

  • Configure your basic info (name, email) on your local machine – they will be part of your commits. Tips

On GitHub.com:

  • Using the graphic interface on the website, create the repository (if it’s not done yet)
    • Name: alx-zero_day
    • Description: I'm now a ALX Student, this is my first repository as a full-stack engineer
    • Public repo
    • No README, .gitignore, or license

Update your Intranet profile by adding your Github username here - if it’s not done, the Checker won’t be able to correct your work

On your computer, open a terminal and do the following:

  • Navigate to your home directory. Tips
  • Create a directory alx-zero_day. Tips
  • Navigate to this new directory. Tips
  • Initialize git and add the remote origin
  • Create a file README.md with Emacs (or other command line editors) and write a small Markdown text to present this project. This file is mandatory in all ALX School projects
  • Add this new file to git, commit the change with this message “My first commit” and push to the remote server / origin (Note: You will probably need to set your login/password to push to the remote server)

Good job!

You pushed your first file in your first repository of the first task of your first ALX School project.

Create a new directory called 0x03-git in your alx-zero_day repo.

Make sure you include a not empty README.md in your directory:

  • at the root of your repository alx-zero_day
  • AND in the directory 0x03-git

And important part: Make sure your commit and push your code to Github - otherwise the Checker will always fail.


  • GitHub repository: alx-zero_day

For the moment we have an empty project directory containing only a README.md. It’s time to code!

  • Create these directories at the root of your project: bash, c, js
  • Create these empty files:
    • c/c_is_fun.c
    • js/main.js
    • js/index.js
  • Create a file bash/alx with these two lines inside: #!/bin/bash and echo "ALX"
  • Create a file bash/school with these two lines inside: #!/bin/bash and echo "School"
  • Add all these new files to git
  • Commit your changes (message: “Starting to code today, so cool”) and push to the remote server


  • GitHub repository: alx-zero_day
  • Directory: 0x03-git
  • File: bash/alx, bash/school, c/c_is_fun.c, js/main.js, js/index.js

Ho wait, your manager needs a quick fix in your project and it needs to be deployed now:

  • Change branch to main
  • Update the file bash/alx by replacing echo "ALX" with echo "ALX School is so cool!"
  • Delete the directory js
  • Commit your changes (message: “Hot fix”) and push to the origin

Ouf, hot fix is done!


  • GitHub repository: alx-zero_day
  • Directory: 0x03-git
  • File: bash/alx, bash/school, bash/98

Of course, you can also work on the same branch as your co-workers and it’s best if you keep up to date with their changes.

For this task – and only for this task – please update your file README.md in the main branch from GitHub.com. It’s the only time you are allowed to update and commit from GitHub interface.

After you have done that, in your terminal:

  • Get all changes of the main branch locally (i.e. your README.md file will be updated)
  • Create a new file up_to_date at the root of your directory and in it, write the git command line used
  • Add up_to_date to git, commit (message: “How to be up to date in git”), and push to the origin


  • GitHub repository: alx-zero_day
  • Directory: 0x03-git
  • File: README.md, up_to_date