
Final NC group project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Linkage Back-End

Table of contents


This is a RESTful API for Linkage Back-End database. The database is MongoDB Atlas, interacted with via Mongoose and Express.js. It contains data on users, visits and passwords, which are accessible via the endpoints provided and appropriate GET, POST, PATCH and DELETE methods. A complete list of endpoints and methods is accessible in the endpoints.json file.

Testing was carried out using Jest and Supertest.

API has been hosted with Heroku here.


Please ensure the following are installed:

  • node: v17.8.0
  • express: 4.17.3,
  • mongoose: 6.2.7
  • npm: v8.1.2

Getting Started

To run this project you will need to do the following:

  1. Clone this repository onto your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/imevanc/nc-group-project

  1. Navigate inside the folder
cd nc-group-project

  1. Open the directory in your code editor.
code . (for VScode)
  1. Install all dependencies
npm install
  1. Create a .env file in order to successfully connect to the two databases locally. Inside, add PORT=5000,MONGO_URI and MONGO_TEST - to connect to test and development databases,TOKEN_SECRET- to encript passwords.

  2. Finally to run the server locally enter the following command in your terminal:

npm start

This will run the server on port 9090. All endpoints can be found locally on http://localhost:5000.


To test the API navigate to the project directory and enter the following command:

npm test

API Routes

GET /api/users

returns a list of all users

GET /api/visits

returns a list of all visits

GET /api/users/:userId

returns a user object from the id requested

PATCH /api/users/:userId

returns a user object with the updated properties

POST /api/auth/signup

returns a new user object

POST /api/auth/login

returns a user object with a unique access token

DELETE /api/users/:userId

deletes selected user from the array of all users

GET /api/users/:userId/visits

returns an array of all visits corresponding to a user

POST /api/visits

returns a new visit object

GET /api/visits/:visitId

returns a visit object from the id requested

DELETE /api/visits/:visitId

deletes selected visit from the array of all visits

GET /api

returns a json object of the path above, with example responses