
My personal repository

Hi there 👋

🔭 Currently Working On: I'm enhancing my data analysis skills through various personal and collaborative projects. My focus is on data visualization and predictive modeling.

🌱 Currently Learning: I'm delving into advanced data analytics techniques, with a focus on machine learning and statistical methods. I'm also exploring various data visualization tools to better represent complex datasets.

👯 Looking to Collaborate On: Projects involving data exploration, analysis, and visualization. I'm eager to contribute to projects where I can apply and enhance my skills in Python and SQL.

🤔 Seeking Help With: Understanding more complex data algorithms and their practical applications in real-world scenarios.

💬 Ask Me About: My journey in learning data analytics, the challenges I've faced, and the projects I've worked on. I'm always open to sharing insights and learning from others.

📫 How to Reach Me: The best way to reach me is via email. You can also find me on Linkedin for professional networking.

😄 Pronouns: [He/Him]

Recent Learning Achievements

I recently completed a rigorous data analytics bootcamp at Ironhack in December 2023, which I initially started in Octuber, 2023. This intensive program has been a transformative journey for me, equipping me with a solid foundation in various aspects of data analytics. The experience at Ironhack has been invaluable, providing me with both the technical skills and practical, hands-on experience needed to tackle real-world data challenges. I am excited to apply the knowledge and skills I've acquired in my future projects and professional endeavors.

Tools and Frameworks

My toolkit includes a blend of powerful analytics tools and programming languages:

  • Business Intelligence Tools: Tableau and PowerBi
  • Data Processing and Analysis: Python (Pandas, NumPy, Matplotlib, Seaborn), Excel
  • Database Management: SQL

These tools have been instrumental in my data analytics projects.

Learning Goals

My immediate learning objectives are:

  • Enhance Python and SQL Skills: To deepen my understanding and proficiency in Python and SQL for more advanced data manipulation and analysis.
  • Master the Data Lifecycle: From data extraction and cleaning to processing, analysis, and visualization, I aim to refine my skills across all stages of the data lifecycle.