
This project was generated with superplate.

Getting Started

superplate is a Next.js all-in-one project generator. Create your project with the tools you need without spending hours on setting them up.

Available Scripts

Running the development server.

    yarn dev

Building for production.

    yarn build

Running the production server.

    yarn start

Learn More

To learn more about superplate, please check out the Documentation.


Sass is a stylesheet language that’s compiled to CSS. It allows you to use variables, nested rules, mixins, functions, and more, all with a fully CSS-compatible syntax.

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Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js.

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Environment Variables

Use environment variables in your next.js project for server side, client or both.

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Bundle Analyzer

Use webpack-bundle-analyzer in your Next.js project. Visualize size of webpack output files with an interactive zoomable treemap.

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A Collection of useful React hooks.

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MobX is unopinionated and allows you to manage your application state outside of any UI framework.

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MobX State Tree

MobX-State-Tree (also known as MST) is a state container system built on MobX, a functional reactive state library.

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