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Mappy is a XivLauncher/Dalamud plugin.

Mappy is a total replacement plugin for the ingame main map. This plugin is not intended to replace the games minimap. Mappy offers a lot of customization options such as enabling and disabling specific icons, configuring colors of tooltips, or displayed areas. Integrates seamlessly into the games built in functions, for example pressing m will open Mappy instead of the built in game map.

Mappy is not intended to replace the vanilla minimap

Please do not attempt to use Mappy as a Minimap





Mappy IPC

Mappy provides various functions to other plugins to allow interplugin communication, and example usage is illustrated below.

Each function is more thoroughly documented in the IpcController.

    private readonly List<string> registeredMarkers = new();

    // Copy/Paste this to subscribe to these functions, be sure to check for IPCNotReady exceptions ;)
    public ICallGateSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>? AddWorldMarkerIpcFunction = null;
    public ICallGateSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>? AddTextureMarkerIpcFunction = null;
    public ICallGateSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>? AddMapCoordinateMarkerIpcFunction = null;
    public ICallGateSubscriber<string, bool>? RemoveMarkerIpcFunction = null;
    public ICallGateSubscriber<string, Vector2, bool>? UpdateMarkerIpcFunction = null;
    public ICallGateSubscriber<Vector2, Vector2, uint, Vector4, float, string>? AddTextureLineIpcFunction = null;
    public ICallGateSubscriber<Vector2, Vector2, uint, Vector4, float, string>? AddMapCoordLineIpcFunction = null;
    public ICallGateSubscriber<string, bool>? RemoveLineIpcFunction = null;
    public ICallGateSubscriber<bool>? IsReadyIpcFunction = null;
        // Copy/Paste this to subscribe to these functions, be sure to check for IPCNotReady exceptions ;)
        AddWorldMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>("Mappy.World.AddMarker");
        AddTextureMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>("Mappy.Texture.AddMarker");
        AddMapCoordinateMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>("Mappy.MapCoord.AddMarker");
        RemoveMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<string, bool>("Mappy.RemoveMarker");
        UpdateMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<string, Vector2, bool>("Mappy.UpdateMarker");
        AddTextureLineIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<Vector2, Vector2, uint, Vector4, float, string>("Mappy.Texture.AddLine");
        AddMapCoordLineIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<Vector2, Vector2, uint, Vector4, float, string>("Mappy.MapCoord.AddLine");
        RemoveLineIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<string, bool>("Mappy.RemoveLine");
        IsReadyIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<bool>("Mappy.IsReady");

Be sure to save the ID's of the generated markers so you can remove them when you are done!

        registeredMarkers.Add(AddWorldMarkerIpcFunction.InvokeFunc(6011, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), 0, "TestMarker", "TestDescription"));
        registeredMarkers.Add(AddMapCoordinateMarkerIpcFunction.InvokeFunc(60011, new Vector2(25.0f, 9.9f), 700, "TestMarker", "TestDescription\nWithMultiline"));
        registeredMarkers.Add(AddMapCoordLineIpcFunction.InvokeFunc(new Vector2(25.0f, 9.9f), new Vector2(33.7f, 15.2f), 700, KnownColor.Aqua.AsVector4(), 2.0f));
        registeredMarkers.Add(AddMapCoordinateMarkerIpcFunction.InvokeFunc(60011, new Vector2(33.7f, 15.2f), 700, "TestMarker", "TestDescription\nWithMultiline"));

Worth noting RemoveMarker and RemoveLine are interchangeable, both will clear any saved mark with the passed in ID.

        foreach (var registered in registeredMarkers)
