Mappy is a XivLauncher/Dalamud plugin.
Mappy is a total replacement plugin for the ingame main map. This plugin is not intended to replace the games minimap.
Mappy offers a lot of customization options such as enabling and disabling specific icons, configuring colors of tooltips, or displayed areas.
Integrates seamlessly into the games built in functions, for example pressing m
will open Mappy instead of the built in game map.
Mappy is not intended to replace the vanilla minimap
Please do not attempt to use Mappy as a Minimap
Mappy provides various functions to other plugins to allow interplugin communication, and example usage is illustrated below.
Each function is more thoroughly documented in the IpcController.
private readonly List<string> registeredMarkers = new();
// Copy/Paste this to subscribe to these functions, be sure to check for IPCNotReady exceptions ;)
public ICallGateSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>? AddWorldMarkerIpcFunction = null;
public ICallGateSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>? AddTextureMarkerIpcFunction = null;
public ICallGateSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>? AddMapCoordinateMarkerIpcFunction = null;
public ICallGateSubscriber<string, bool>? RemoveMarkerIpcFunction = null;
public ICallGateSubscriber<string, Vector2, bool>? UpdateMarkerIpcFunction = null;
public ICallGateSubscriber<Vector2, Vector2, uint, Vector4, float, string>? AddTextureLineIpcFunction = null;
public ICallGateSubscriber<Vector2, Vector2, uint, Vector4, float, string>? AddMapCoordLineIpcFunction = null;
public ICallGateSubscriber<string, bool>? RemoveLineIpcFunction = null;
public ICallGateSubscriber<bool>? IsReadyIpcFunction = null;
// Copy/Paste this to subscribe to these functions, be sure to check for IPCNotReady exceptions ;)
AddWorldMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>("Mappy.World.AddMarker");
AddTextureMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>("Mappy.Texture.AddMarker");
AddMapCoordinateMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<uint, Vector2, uint, string, string, string>("Mappy.MapCoord.AddMarker");
RemoveMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<string, bool>("Mappy.RemoveMarker");
UpdateMarkerIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<string, Vector2, bool>("Mappy.UpdateMarker");
AddTextureLineIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<Vector2, Vector2, uint, Vector4, float, string>("Mappy.Texture.AddLine");
AddMapCoordLineIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<Vector2, Vector2, uint, Vector4, float, string>("Mappy.MapCoord.AddLine");
RemoveLineIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<string, bool>("Mappy.RemoveLine");
IsReadyIpcFunction = Service.PluginInterface.GetIpcSubscriber<bool>("Mappy.IsReady");
Be sure to save the ID's of the generated markers so you can remove them when you are done!
registeredMarkers.Add(AddWorldMarkerIpcFunction.InvokeFunc(6011, new Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f), 0, "TestMarker", "TestDescription"));
registeredMarkers.Add(AddMapCoordinateMarkerIpcFunction.InvokeFunc(60011, new Vector2(25.0f, 9.9f), 700, "TestMarker", "TestDescription\nWithMultiline"));
registeredMarkers.Add(AddMapCoordLineIpcFunction.InvokeFunc(new Vector2(25.0f, 9.9f), new Vector2(33.7f, 15.2f), 700, KnownColor.Aqua.AsVector4(), 2.0f));
registeredMarkers.Add(AddMapCoordinateMarkerIpcFunction.InvokeFunc(60011, new Vector2(33.7f, 15.2f), 700, "TestMarker", "TestDescription\nWithMultiline"));
Worth noting RemoveMarker and RemoveLine are interchangeable, both will clear any saved mark with the passed in ID.
foreach (var registered in registeredMarkers)