Image Clone Controller

The Image Clone Controller watches for Deployments/DaemonSets and reconciles if images used are not from registry "backupregistry"

It leans heavily on the lower level Kubernetes controller-runtime package which is a set of go libraries for building Controllers. It is leveraged by Kubebuilder and Operator SDK. and remote package implements a client for accessing a registry, per the OCI distribution spec.

Controller is written in Go

  • Watch the Kubernetes Deployment and DaemonSet objects
  • Check if any of them provision pods with images that are not from the backup registry
  • If yes, copy the image over to a corresponding repository and tag in the backup registry
  • Modify the Deployment/DaemonSet to use the image from the backup registry
  • IMPORTANT: The Deployments and DaemonSets in the kube-system namespace is ignored!

Registry secret yaml should be present

Create the role, role binding, and service account to grant resource permissions to the Operator, and Image Clone Operator:

$ kubectl create -f conifg/secrets/secret.yaml
$ kubectl create -f conifg/rbac/service_account.yaml
$ kubectl create -f conifg/rbac/role.yaml
$ kubectl create -f conifg/rbac/role_binding.yaml
$ kubectl create -f config/controllers/image-clone-controller.yaml


Goal here is to be safe against the risk of public container images disappearing from the registry while we use them, breaking our deployments.