
PubSubServer Websocket project

Primary LanguageGo


This PubSubServer project is an HTTP+WebSockets server that implements an in-memory, realtime PubSub system and utilizes Gorilla project to upgrade the HTTP server connection to the WebSocket protocol etc.

note: As per project requirement subscription topics, high availability, or persistence are not implemented.


The frontend is contained in index.html. It has 2 buttons to Subscribe and Unsubscribe the websocket connection.

The messages are received via the WebSocket /subscribe endpoint and published via the HTTP POST /publish endpoint. The reason for not publishing messages over the WebSocket is so that you can easily publish a message with curl.

The server portion is main.go and pubsub.go and implements serving the static frontend assets, the /subscribe WebSocket endpoint and the HTTP POST /publish endpoint.

You can see the Connected console message when clicked on Subscribe button and Disconnected console message when clicked on Unsubscribe button or a "Server message" when a publish message is received.

note: As subscription topics are not implemented, published message will be sent to all the subscribers.

Message struct looks like:

type message struct {
	Action  string `json:"action"`
	Message string `json:"message"`

Allowed actions are:

  • Publish to "publish" forex. {"action":"publish", "message": "Hi server"}
  • Subscribe to "subscribe".
  • Unsubscribe to "unsubscribe".