
In this project, we built an application Facebook-clone which has similar functionality as that of Facebook. The main goal of the project is to familiarize ourselves with the MVP term, build something simple that works.

Primary LanguageRuby

Facebook-clone Awesome

License GitHub followers Twitter URL License GitHub followers Twitter URL

This is a Microverse Ruby on Rails Project



In this project, we built an application Facebook-clone which has similar functionality as that of Facebook. The main goal of the project is to familiarize ourseves with the MVP term, build something simple that works. After the core features have been implemented, then we can improve your app.

We also prepared the data architecture documentation of the app with an Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD).


In this project, the following actions are done;

Prepared data architecture documentation

  • Created Entity Relationship Diagram of the app.
  • This means defining the relationships between different models in the app.

Functionalities added

This is a forked repository. So, some changes are added to existing project. Next functionalities are added;

  • Created the friendship model with associations and all requested features for friendships.
  • Added the friendship invitation feature.
  • Added friendship invitation feature.
  • For pending friendship invitation we added a feature to accept or reject an invitation.
  • Added the number of likes functionality.
  • On post timeline a user can see the most recent posts from only friends list.


  • Added tests for model and features of the app
  • 'rspec', 'capybara' and 'shoulda-matchers' gems are used for tests

Built with

  • Ruby on rails
  • Git
  • PostgreSQL
  • lucidchart for ERD
  • Shields.io

Live demo

Please check.


  • Clone this repository
  • Open terminal
  • Change directory by using cd facebook-clone/
  • Run bundle install
  • Run rails db:migrate
  • Open rails server by using rails s
  • Open browser and go to http://localhost:3000

Test app

Deploy to Heroku

  • Sign in Heroku.
  • Open your terminal.
  • Run heroku login. If you get any error, run sudo snap install --classic heroku and check.
  • Create an app by running heroku create name-of-app. You may use any name for name of your Heroku app.
  • If you are using sqlite3 for database, update 'database.yml' file by following steps.
  • If you are using master branch,run git push heroku master. If you are using another branch, run git push heroku +HEAD:master.
  • Open your app from your dashboard of heroku.
  • Open console by using 'Run console' button in Heroku.
  • Run rake db:migrate from this console.
  • Push 'Open app' button to access your app.


Reach out to us at one of the following places!

👤 Hasan Özovalı

👤 Hillary Kiptoo

Contributing 🤝

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.


  • Thanks to Microverse for its support!

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