Semi-retired digital nomad with an interest in AWS "serverless" apps which can glue together disparate SaaS platforms to meet enterprise objectives.
Ian Hogan - ABN 95 571 881 544Melbourne, Australia
Pinned Repositories
Node.js Lambda backed AWS CLoudFormation Custom Resource to copy an S3 file.
One-time-password app to sign in to AWS AppStream using Cognito
Node.js Lambda backed AWS CloudFormation Custom Resource to create an S3 configuration file, either by putting parameter data from the CloudFormation template or copying a source S3 file.
Sample Scripts for Qrvey applications
An AWS Lambda Function to recursively fetch data from a REST endpoint and apply XSLT processes to the fetched data.
A simple Node.js Lambda function to create an S3 File which can trigger an S3 Event. This allows for a long running lambda process to be triggered by brief synchronous call.
An AWS Lambda function used as Cloud Formation Custom Resource to extract one or more ZIP files from a source S3 bucket to a target bucket.
imhogan's Repositories
An AWS Lambda Function to recursively fetch data from a REST endpoint and apply XSLT processes to the fetched data.
Node.js Lambda backed AWS CLoudFormation Custom Resource to copy an S3 file.
One-time-password app to sign in to AWS AppStream using Cognito
Node.js Lambda backed AWS CloudFormation Custom Resource to create an S3 configuration file, either by putting parameter data from the CloudFormation template or copying a source S3 file.
Sample Scripts for Qrvey applications
A simple Node.js Lambda function to create an S3 File which can trigger an S3 Event. This allows for a long running lambda process to be triggered by brief synchronous call.
An AWS Lambda function used as Cloud Formation Custom Resource to extract one or more ZIP files from a source S3 bucket to a target bucket.
AWS Node.js Lambda to log SES events delivered to an SNS topic to nominated DynamoDB tables - in raw and interpreted format.