
command line utilities for windows subsystem, and you can use it for installing ubuntu wsl in windows

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


It is a Command line tool to manage Ubuntu Windows subsystem. It aims to provide some utility functions to improve developers productivity. Using this cli we can use wsl seamlessly.



  • Ruby 2.3 =<
  • WSL enabled
  1. Open PowerShell as Administrator and run:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
  1. Restart your computer when prompted.

  2. Then, Just use this command to install

gem install winsub_cli


> install_

This command used install ubuntu wsl in windows

install_ ubuntu

It use choco package manager to install ubuntu, so first it will install choco first then it will install ubuntu.

> bash_

This command run any bash command from windows to wsl. It is same as using wsl command.

bash_ sudo apt update

> nano_


Using this command you can open nano editor in current directory

> vi_


Using this command you can open vim editor in current directory


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