It is a Command line tool to manage Ubuntu Windows subsystem. It aims to provide some utility functions to improve developers productivity. Using this cli we can use wsl seamlessly.
- Ruby 2.3 =<
- WSL enabled
- Open PowerShell as Administrator and run:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux
Restart your computer when prompted.
Then, Just use this command to install
gem install winsub_cli
This command used install ubuntu wsl in windows
install_ ubuntu
It use choco package manager to install ubuntu, so first it will install choco first then it will install ubuntu.
This command run any bash command from windows to wsl. It is same as using wsl command.
bash_ sudo apt update
Using this command you can open nano editor in current directory
Using this command you can open vim editor in current directory
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