Ulatimate Traveller Tools

Ultimate travaller tool Icon

Ultimate Traveller Tool is the fourth coded protect of my training at OpenClassRooms.
If you wanna see the others, checkout my dedicated repo



Ultimate Traveller Tool is a travel backpack with imposed features :

  • Get the exchange rate between dollar and euros (I decided to change any currency to any other).
  • Translate from your favorite language into English (I decided to detect the origin language, translate to any other, and have the translation spoken on the phone)
  • Compare the local weather with that of your home (I decided make an Apple Weather app "clone")

What I learned

  • Use generics
  • Use LocationManager
  • Use UITabBarController
  • Make network calls and process responses
  • Moke URLSeesion for test network calls
  • Use APIs documentations
  • Speech Synthesis

How to use

This project use 4 api keys (that I don't share, they are mine ^^).

Anywhere you want, create a file called "ApiConfig.swift". Don't forget to add it to the target "UltimateTravellerTool".

In this file, copy and paste the following code:

struct ApiConfig {
    static let weatherApiKey = "" // Paste your weather api key here
    static let googlePlacesApiKey = "" // Paste your Google api key here
    static let fixerApiKey = "" // Paste your fixer api key here
    static let googleTranslateApiKey = "" // Paste your Google api keuy here

I used diiferents api keys for Google translate ans Goole places. If you want, you can use a single key for both of them.

Add your api keys in the file build the project.



  • Globe icon: freesvg.org by OpenClipart
  • App assets: If you reconize your work, send me a message for I add you in this section. I found all the assets by losing myself on google and I don't remember where a found them