Brussels Java User Group - Collection of Stuff

Brussels Java User Group

The idea of creating a JUG in Brussels was born out of the conclusion that, despite of the fact that Brussels shelters thousands of Java developers, the city lacks what we would consider a "community". In our time, communication is of top priority. It’s all about staying on the edge of technology, continuous learning and sharing experiences, getting impulses and inspirations, keeping our minds open for alternative ways.

Building a local community not only eases the exchange of ideas and knowledge, but helps opening to the external world and encourages the introduction of professional knowledge from external sources. That’s the general idea behind JUGs: share and give access to information.

We organize different types of activities in the Brussels area which every Java, Groovy and Scala developer could easily attend after work. The entrance to all events is free and open for all.

The JUG has been launched in April 2010 and welcomes between 15 and 100 JUGgies at each, generally monthly, session.

To visit our MEETUP community, where you can register to our events, please click here: http://www.meetup.com/BruJUG/

Our Google group and mailing list is located here: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/brujug

You can also find us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/brujug and on LinkedIn.

Pictures and Video are here https://secure.flickr.com/photos/brujug and here http://vimeo.com/channels/brujug

Web site/wiki: http://brujug.be

Website on GIThub with session history: https://imifos.github.io/BruJUG/

Contact: board <ÄDD> brujug <DÖT> be


  • Olivier HUBAUT - Leader and Project Manager, since 2014
  • Pierre MISTROT
  • Tasha CARL - Founder, Ex-L/PM