If you're interested in financially supporting Kenneth Reitz open source, consider visiting this link. Your support helps tremendously with sustainability of motivation, as Open Source is no longer part of my day job.
saythanks.io will provide a button/link for use by open source projects, to encourage users to send a simple thank you note to the creator (or creators) of that project.
This simple button/link can be added to READMEs and project documentation.
The author can then enjoy a nice inbox (ideally) filled with very small, thoughtful messages from the happy users of the software they enjoy to toil over.
- Email when a new message of thankfulness is submitted (csrf enabled).
- Inbox page for each user/project with simple aggregation of messages (private).
- Flask for API and Frontend, single application
- Auth0 for credential storage (in progress)
- Heroku for Hosting (done!)
- CloudFlare for SSL termination (done!)
- GitHub account creation, as well as passwordless email accounts
- Erin "The X" O'Connell (Python)
- Tom "The Pythonist" Baker (Javascript)
- Tom "Sea of Clouds" Matthews (Logo and Graphic Design)
- Kenneth "Your Name Here Instead, Idan?" Reitz (Frontend Design)
By the way... thank you! And if you'd like to say thanks... :)