
A simple, zero dependency PHP session abstraction library

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A simple, zero dependency PHP session abstraction library for PHP 7.2+


Construct an instance of Imjoehaines\Session\Session by passing the $_SESSION superglobal to its constructor

use Imjoehaines\Session\Session;

$session = new Session($_SESSION);

Changes to the $_SESSION superglobal will be reflected in the Session instance

use Imjoehaines\Session\Session;

$session = new Session($_SESSION);

$_SESSION['a'] = 1;

assert($session->has('a') === true);


  1. set
  2. has
  3. get
  4. delete
  5. clear


The set method allows you to set the given $key to the given $value

use Imjoehaines\Session\Session;

$session = new Session($_SESSION);

$session->set('a_string_key', 'any_value');


The has method returns true if the given key exists in the session and false if it does not

use Imjoehaines\Session\Session;

$session = new Session($_SESSION);

$session->set('a_string_key', 'any_value');

assert($session->has('a_string_key') === true);


The get method returns the value of the given $key if it exists in the session. If the key does not exist then an OutOfBoundsException will be thrown

use Imjoehaines\Session\Session;

$session = new Session($_SESSION);

$session->set('a_string_key', 'any_value');

assert($session->get('a_string_key') === 'any_value');

// Throws OutOfBoundsException with message 'The key "not in the session" was not found in the session'
$session->get('not in the session');


The delete method removes the given $key from the session if it exists. If the key does not exist then an OutOfBoundsException will be thrown

use Imjoehaines\Session\Session;

$session = new Session($_SESSION);

$session->set('a_string_key', 'any_value');


assert($session->has('a_string_key') === false);

// Throws OutOfBoundsException with message 'The key "a_string_key" was not found in the session'


The clear method removes all keys from the session

use Imjoehaines\Session\Session;

$session = new Session($_SESSION);

$session->set('a_string_key', 'any_value');
$session->set('another_key', 123);


assert($session->has('a_string_key') === false);
assert($session->has('another_key') === false);