Terraform "Fakes" Provider

This provider provisions "resources" to a fictitious cloud provider, "Fakes" - used in the TFC Getting Started project.

These resources are purely for demonstration and created in Terraform Cloud, scoped to your TFC user account.

Installation & Usage

This provider isn't really intended for any use beyond the example configuration, but you can absolutely use it outside the example if you like!


terraform {
  required_providers {
    fake = "~> 0.1"

provider "fake" {
  token = var.provider_token

resource "fake_vpc" "primary_vpc" {
  name = "Primary VPC"
  cidr_block = ""

resource "fake_server" "servers" {
  count = 2

  name = "Server ${count.index+1}"
  type = "t2.micro"
  vpc = fake_vpc.primary_vpc.name

resource "fake_load_balancer" "primary_lb" {
  name = "Primary Load Balancer"
  servers = fake_server.servers[*].name

resource "fake_database" "prod_db" {
  name = "Production DB"
  size = 256