
Demo for gd-YAFSM

Primary LanguageGDScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Demo for gd-YAFSM

The purpose of this project is to showcase how you can integrate gd-YAFSM into your project.


Manage App State

One of the best way to show the potential of StateMachine/gd-YAFSM is through managing app state as you can have full control over transitions of scenes.

App State Flowchart

Change Scene

func _on_AppState_transited(from, to):
    # Handle previous scene
    var prev_scene
    if from_dir.is_nested():
        if from_dir.is_exit():
            prev_scene = get_node_or_null(from_dir.get_base())
        prev_scene = get_node_or_null(from)
    if prev_scene:

    # Handle next scene
    var next_scene
    match to_dir.next():
            next_scene = splash_screen_scn.instance()
            next_scene = start_screen_scn.instance()
            next_scene = main_menu_scn.instance()
            next_scene = level_select_scn.instance()
            match to_dir.next(): # Match nested state
                "Entry": # Game/Entry
                    next_scene = game_scn.instance()
    if next_scene:
        next_scene.name = to_dir.get_base()
        next_scene.set("app_state", app_state)

Main.gd free previous scene & spawn next scene in "transited(from, to)" signal

Cache Scene

Cache a unfinished game level, then restore it on next time

func _on_AppState_transited(from, to):
    match to_dir.next():
            match to_dir.next():
                "Exit": # Game/Exit
                    if not ("End" in from): # Not from Game/End(not finished)
                        app_state.set_param("last_level", current_level_instance)
                        current_level_instance = null

func setup_level():
    if app_state:
        var last_level = app_state.get_param("last_level")
        current_level_instance = last_level
        if current_level_instance:
            current_level_instance.set("app_state", app_state)

Game.gd cache unfinished level with StateMachinePlayer.set_param, then retrieving from StateMachinePlayer.get_param to restore it

NOTE: Always remember to manually free Node, when erase from StateMachinePlayer to avoid memory leak

Pause Game

Pausing game is just as easy as few line of codes:

func _on_AppState_transited(from, to):
    match to_dir.next():
            match to_dir.next():
                "Pause": # Game/Pause
                    if not pause_menu_instance:
                        pause_menu_instance = pause_menu_scn.instance()
                        pause_menu_instance.set("app_state", app_state)
                    get_tree().paused = true
                "Play": # Game/Play
                    get_tree().paused = false
                    if pause_menu_instance:
                        remove_child(pause_menu_instance) # Don't free yet, save for later

Game.gd handle pause & resume

Game State

Most of the game has its own rules, like in what condition player win/lose, and this can be managed by StateMachine as well:

func _on_Area_body_entered(body):
    # Victory
    if body is Character3D:
        if app_state:
            app_state.set_param("Game/End/win", true)

KinematicLevel3D.gd make use of nested parameter "Game/End/win" to update game state

NOTE: Nested parameter("Game/End/win") is used in this case, so that it will be reset(erased) automatically on "Game/End/Exit" and you don't have to initiliaze the parameter everytime game start

Manage Character State

func _on_StateMachinePlayer_updated(state, delta):
    # NOTE: It is more efficient to run directly in _physics_process, this demo is to showcase how to handle logic in updated signal
    velocity += Vector3.DOWN * 9.8 * delta
    match state:
            velocity += walk * speed * delta
            walk = Vector3.ZERO
            _jump_count = 0
            smp.set_param("jump_count", _jump_count)
            smp.set_param("jump_count", _jump_count)
            smp.set_param("jump_elapsed", OS.get_system_time_msecs() - _last_jump)
    velocity = move_and_slide(velocity, Vector3.UP)
    velocity.x *= pow(1.0 - damping, delta)
    velocity.z *= pow(1.0 - damping, delta)

Character3D.gd update motion of KinematicBody

Note: StateMachine as a Resource only store static data, therefore it is highly reusable. For instance, both Character2D/3D are using the same StateMachine resource to control motion despite they inherit from different class