
A chat application using socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A realtime chat application built using Socket.io, node and express.


User will be able to join an existing chatroom or create one. The user will be able to send and receive the messages in realtime.


npm install

npm start

Features included

  • Create a private room with a password.
  • 'is typing...' text message is shown is single person is typing in the room shows 'x people are typing' if 'x' number of people is typing in the room.
  • User can enter and leave the room.
  • Displays room password only to admin and not to other users.
  • Can create open rooms with no password.

Features to do

  • Avatar for each user.
  • Storing and retrieving messages, rooms and users in a database.
  • Add emoji support.
  • Display admin name explicitly.
  • Add idle-time based 'is typing...' functionality.