
complete path name based upon the pinyin acronym of Chinese characters

Primary LanguagePython


Complete path by acronym of pinyin initials.


This is a fork for enhancement and bugs fixing.


  • Auto escaping for special characters.
  • Fixed missing _force_rehash() error.
  • Removed a unnecessary completion in zsh.


$ ls .
SVN培训  全球眼  浙江建行  浙江农信
$ cd S     <tab>             进入[SVN培训]
$ cd q     <tab>             进入[全球眼]
$ cd z     <tab>             自动补全[浙江]
$ cd zj    <tab><tab>        提示[浙江建行 浙江农信]备选
$ cd zj1   <tab>             进入[浙江建行]
$ cd zj2   <tab>             进入[浙江农信]
$ cd 浙江j <tab>             进入[浙江建行]
$ cd zjj   <tab>             进入[浙江建行]


git clone git@github.com:petronny/pinyin-completion.git
cd pinyin-completion
sudo ./setup.py install


For Bash users, source shell/pinyin-comp.bash in your ~/.bashrc

For Zsh users, source shell/pinyin-comp.zsh in your ~/.zshrc


For fuzzy pinyin support, define environment variable "FUZZY". For example:

export FUZZY="{ 'n':'l' }"
export FUZZY="{ 'n':'l','f':'p' }"

tools/table-generator.py is used to generate pinyin_initial.py, based upon the contents of tools/unicode-han-pinyin.txt.

If you feel the default pinyin_initial.py is too big, which cause sensible delay and un-wanted ambigurous, just use you favourite editor to modify tools/unicode-han-pinyin.txt, then regenerate pinyin_initial.py by running:

$ ./table-generate.py > pinyin_initial.py