
fluentd input plugin derived from in_tail and inspired by in_forward for reading [tag, time, record] messages from a file

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

fluent-plugin-event-tail, a plugin for Fluentd

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event-tail is an input plugin for fluentd based on in_tail but for reading [tag, time, record] JSON messages from a file.

If you use fluent-logger-ruby, fluent-logger-node, and so on, you are probably connecting to 'localhost' (or worse, to a remote host) and sending messages via TCP sockets.

That's all fine but what happens if fluentd is down for some reason? Well, most (if not all) logger implementations keep a list of pending failed messages and try sending them periodically. But what if your application dies before having the chance to flush everything to fluentd? Well, you will probably lose those pending messages.

The reason I made this plugin is to allow me (and hopefully you too) to rather send those messages, not via TCP sockets, but directly to a file and have fluentd read them. The obvious advantage is that you always have backups of your logs in your hard disks in case fluentd is not running or the DB where you are aggregating them died for some reason. Another reason is, your logs are still human readable and easily transformable (they are just newline separated JSON strings).

The format of the messages is based on in_forward plugin:


  [tag, time, record]
  [tag, [[time,record], [time,record], ...]]

  ["myapp.access", [1308466941, {"a"=>1}], [1308466942, {"b"=>2}]]

This plugin is mostly based on in_tail, and therefore you are expected to append newline separated JSON strings of messages in the above format. Also note that this plugin supports formatted time strings via the time_format config parameter, not just numeric UNIX timestamps.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-event-tail'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-event-tail


This plugin has the same configuration as in_tail, with the exception of tag and format that were removed.

# fluent.conf
  type event_tail
  path /var/log/your_app.log
  pos_file /var/log/your_app.log.pos
# disable next line to enable custom time formatting
# time_format %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S


After running fluentd, you can emit events by appending to the file:

# time 0 means "current time on server"
echo '["prefix.debug",0,{"foo":"bar"}]' >> /var/log/your_app.log
# time passed as UNIX timestamp (2013-02-20 01:18:31 +0900)
echo '["prefix.debug1",1361290711,{"foo1":"bar1"}]' >> /var/log/your_app.log
# same time but passed as string
echo '["prefix.debug2","2009-03-26 22:33:12 +0900",{"foo2":"bar2"}]' >> /var/log/your_app.log
# group multiple events in one line by tag
echo '["prefix.debug3",[[1361290714,{"foo3":"bar3"}],[1361290716,{"foo4":"bar4"}]]]' >> /var/log/your_app.log

fluentd will report something like:

prefix.debug: {"foo":"bar"}
prefix.debug1: {"foo1":"bar1"}
prefix.debug2: {"foo2":"bar2"}
prefix.debug3: {"foo3":"bar3"}
prefix.debug3: {"foo4":"bar4"}

Please note that contrarily to in_forward that only accepts UNIX timestamps, fluent-plugin-event-tail supports the original in_tail time_format parameter, so you can also pass strings as event times. The default value of time_format is '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z. If you pass a numeric UNIX timestamp then time_format will be ignored.


You are very welcome to submit patches or improve this plugin. Just make sure you send me a pull request.


fluent-plugin-event-tail is licensed under the MIT license:



Copyright (c) 2013 Mario Freitas. See LICENSE.txt for further details.