BizUp Assignment


Problem 1

Given 10 random text files - write the code, in any programming language to - read the files from local drive and show the top 10 words having the highest frequency for each file. Also, print the overall top 10 words with highest frequency. Solved


Problem 2

Given an app created with react / react-native - for a functional component - write the code to print the previous and current state for a state variable. Solved



Problem 3

Consider a hypothetical database for an e-commerce platform with the following simplified schema:❌

Write a SQL query to find the top 5 customers who have made the highest number of orders and spent the most total amount, for customers who have made at least 5 orders. Additionally, each order should have more than 3 items. The results should be ordered by the total amount spent in descending order and, for customers with the same total amount spent, by the number of orders they made in descending order. Also, include the customer's name, email, city, total number of orders, and total amount spent in the result. Implement pagination to show the first 5 results.

Please provide the SQL query that satisfies the above requirements.
