Listing of useful learning resources for machine learning applications in high energy physics (HEPML)
- ajestevesUniversity of Minho
- artonsonTUM
- bostdiekMicrosoft
- bstienenRadboud Universiteit Nijmegen
- commology
- cranmerUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
- denglertLondon, UK
- dguest
- dongbochenCHINA
- doubledodgeSouth Oxfordshire, UK
- fly51flyPRIS
- FonsRademakersCERN
- gnperdueFermilab
- gpapamak
- jdc08161063
- JoeriHermans@peinser
- jshlomi
- kehw
- kreczkoUniversity of Bristol
- meghankaneMax Delbrück Center - Berlin Institute for Medical Systems Biology (MDC-BIMSB)
- miguelignacio
- ndaweOttawa, Canada
- OlivierBonduICRC - International Committee of the Red Cross
- QuantumDancerenovetic ag
- raymondEhlersCalifornia
- renaudinOxford
- Rob-Fletcher@SeerAI
- roszcz@Nospoko
- RumBoy
- sbinetCNRS/IN2P3
- sbrodehl@JGU-VC
- sebaleh
- vincent-picaudFrance - 78
- vitoriapacelaMila, Meta
- XiaoxiaoWang87
- ysh329freelancer