
🦪 A container engine written in shell

Primary LanguageShell

🦪 socker

socker is a container engine written in Bash shell scripting language. The name socker comes from shell + docker.

This is implemented to be a homework, and we cannot provide any security/stability guarantees (although we do try), please do not use it for production environments.


We use all common (in terms of the toolset provided by busybox for example) tools. The external tools that require additional checking are

  • ip
  • iptables
  • brctl


    socker <command> [options]

    install         Copy this script to /usr/local/bin/socker
    create          Create a container
    start           Start a container
    exec            Execute a command in a running container
    update          Update configuration of container
    stop            Stop a running container
    rm              Remove a container
    ps              List all containers
    reset           Remove all containers and reset network. In short, reset everything


  • Create a container from rootfs (.tar file)
sudo ./socker.sh create --rootfs ./images/ubuntu.tar /bin/sleep infinity
  • List all containers
sudo ./socker.sh ps
CONTAINER ID    COMMAND                         STATUS          NETWORK
a7a134754c26    /bin/sleep infinity             Created
  • Start a container and show it's status
sudo ./socker.sh start a7a134754c26
sudo ./socker.sh ps
CONTAINER ID    COMMAND                         STATUS          NETWORK
a7a134754c26    /bin/sleep infinity             Running
  • Execute command in a running container
sudo ./socker.sh exec a7a134754c26 ps -ef
UID          PID    PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD
root           1       0  0 07:08 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sleep infinity
root          15       0  0 07:10 ?        00:00:00 ps -ef
  • Stop and remove a container
sudo ./socker.sh stop a7a134754c26
sudo ./socker.sh rm a7a134754c26