This is a Php client for merchant integration. A minimum of PHP 5.3 is required for using this client. For references on all the API's visit:
- The Client is namespaced under PhonePe
- The Request and Response objects are defined in models that are namespaced under PhonePe\Models
- If your project uses composer, add the following lines to your composer.json :
"require": {
"phonepe/php-merchant-client": "1.*"
- Now, run "composer update". You will find the php-merchant-client folder inside the vendors folder.
Please note that you will have to require the vendor/autoloader.php in order to autoload all the required classes.
Use namespace PhonePe to access the client and call the function of the required Api from
the object of PhonePeClient Class.
For Example :
use PhonePe\PhonePeClientImpl;
use PhonePe\Models\RegularCreditRequest;
require('vendor/autoload.php') // For autoloading all the required classes
$phonePeClientObject = new PhonePeClientImpl();
$regularCreditRequestObject = new RegularCreditRequest();
// Build the regularCreditRequestObject here
$response = $phonePeClientObject->$regularCredit($regularCreditRequestObject)
echo $response->redirectUrl; // To get the location to redirect to.
The function will always return an Object of the corresponding return type.
- Namespaced under PhonePe\Utils
- Call the function checkSumGenerate with an array of all the required variables and the salt index
- Check the following example :
use PhonePe\Utils\ChecksumGenerator
$args = array($merchantId, $transactionId, $amount, $saltKey, $saltIndex);
$result = ChecksumGenerator::checkSumGenerate($args);