Config for KE, based on several other templates I've found online
- caps lock: Hyper key
- both shift keys: toggle caps lock
- Toggle sublayers
- Space (app switching)
- C (media control)
- Z (mouse control)
- Directional keys
- H/J/K/L: VIM arrow keys
- N/M: Opt + Left/Right
- I/O: Home/End
- Y/O: Cmd + Left/Right
- P/;: Page Up/Down
- Space: Go to next window of same app
- Backspace: Delete forward
If the app is not active, it's activated using Switcheroo. If the app is already active, the next window from the app is focused.
- F: Firefox
- D: Discord
- S: Slack
- G: Chrome
- T: Telegram
- R: Ghostty
- E: Finder
- W: Spotify
- B: Obsidian
- V: Tim
- C: VSCode
- X: Chatbox
- Z: Zoom
- J/K: Volume up/down
- M: Toggle mute
- H/L: Previous/next
- U/I: Screen brightness up/down
- Y/O: Keycap brightness up/down
- Space: Play/pause
- J/K/L/I: Move mouse
- Shift + J/K/L/I: Fast move mouse
- Space: Primary click
- Enter: Sencondary click