
Aiming to provide a cash gateway between MC and others

Primary LanguageHTML

Musicoin Cointek
Author: CryptoPete (thecryptopete@gmail.com)

Cointek is an open-source endeaver to build a platform to allow people without crypto-skills to purchase Musicoin without having to go through the hassle of signing up for exchanges and messing with wallets. We want to provide a simple place for them to quickly and easily buy Musicoin with fiat and have it automatically sent to their Musicoin.org account for consumption.

Development Environment Setup
1. Clone Repository to local

2. Make sure Node.js 7.x, NPM 4.x, and Bower 1.8.x are installed  

3. Get dependencies
 - Navigate to the root of the project and run 'npm install'
 - Navigate to the root of the project and run 'bower install'

4. Build the project 
 - Navigate to the root of the project and run 'npm run build'

5. Run the project 
 - Navigate to the root of the project and run 'npm start'

Production Server Requirements (Commands for Ubuntu): 
 - Apache2 (if not installed run 'sudo apt install apache2' - config is up to you)
 - Node.js 7.x (if not installed run 'curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash - ' then 'sudo apt-get install -y nodejs')
 - NPM 4.x (if not installed run 'sudo apt-get install npm')
 - Bower 1.8.x (if not installed run 'npm install -g bower')