eORCA36 demonstrator

This page describe the way to build the extended 1/36° global configuration (eORCA36) based on NEMO OGCM.

This bench has been developped in the framework of the EU H2020 IMMERSE project and ESIWACE2 project


This bench represents the milestone MS35 "global 1/36 configuration upgrade following" for IMMERSE H2020 project.

Compare to the the previous 1/36° global demonstrator, the domain has been extended southward to include the Under Ice Shelf Seas and the NEMO code has been upgraded to the 4.2 release.


eORCA36 hourly vorticity

HPC tests

Results can be found here.

Download bench

git clone git@github.com:immerse-project/eORCA36-demonstrator.git

Bench: installation and execution: