VRDisplay.resetPose() has no effect
naftalibeder opened this issue · 2 comments
In the VRControls object I'm using, the function resetPose()
calls vrDisplay.resetPose()
from the polyfill.
It executes this chain:
VRDisplay.prototype.resetPose = function () {
return this._resetPose();
CardboardVRDisplay.prototype._resetPose = function () {
if (this.poseSensor_.resetPose) { // returns undefined
However, this.poseSensor_
does not define resetPose()
, so I'm not sure what the intention was.
Is there a new way to zero the camera control rotation? A previous version of the polyfill (I don't remember which) handled this correctly.
webvr-polyfill version: 0.10.6
Browser name/version/release channel: React Native (0.55.4) WebView
Operating System: Android 8.0.0
The new pose sensor uses Generic Sensors, added in Chrome 63 -- reset pose was not implemented in that pose sensor due to resetPose being deprecated in the WebVR 1.1 spec. I'm willing to discuss use cases/PRs implementing this within cardboard-vr-display, but this seems better handled in user content, and not by the polyfill
This makes sense, thanks for pointing this out! I've implemented view recentering natively and it's working fine.